Three-lane roads on all hilly parts in Sabah, says Star Jalibin

By Ezra Haganez
RANAU : The State Reform Party (Star) is of the opinion that all roads on hilly parts in Sabah, especially the lengthy stretches, must be upgraded into at least a three-lane road for safety and convenient usage.

Star state committee member, Jalibin Paidi, said Star leaders have received complaints and they have gone for close observation on these roads and indeed, the single-lane or even two lane roads on hilly parts like those in the Tuaran - Ranau and the Kota Belud - Kudat are in great need of upgrading.

"The current single-lane not only is unsafe to overtake slow and heavy vehicles, motorists also are forced to spend more time and fuel on the road as a result of unnecessary jam while climbing a hill.

"It would be easier for motorists if these roads are wider to accommodate a three-lane, making it comfortable for over-taking, therefore easing the road of safety issues. There should be overtaking lane and a lane for heavier vehicles like lorries in these hilly parts," said Jalibin in a statement from Ranau Thursday.

"Star just could not understand why the state and federal governments failed to appreciate this fact despite their so-called good relationship with each other. The good relationship, as vouched by Chief Minister Musa Aman should be reflected on improvement on these hilly roads, of which Sabah geographic is so endowed with.

"Take the Ranau road for example, Masidi Manjun must have realised my points, but somehow neglected to call for the federal to fund the enlarging and widening of these important stretches.

"And take the Kota Kinabalu - Tambunan single-lane road all the way from the state capital to Tambunan, why can't Tambunan assemblyman, Joseph Pairin Kitingan, persuade PM Najib Razak to widen it into a three lane, especially on the hilly part, if he so enjoys Najib and Musa's confidence?" he further argued.

He said if it is true that Najib has an ear for Pairin, the BN should prove it now before the general election.

"I mean everybody else must have realised the need for the KK - Tambunan road to be upgraded. Or is Pairin too detached from us till he could not see the points?

"We challenge Musa, Pairin and Masidi to please respond on this one, or else you guys are now just ashamed of your own failure. Tell us your take on these simple issue of motorists' need i have just raised. What do you say or pledge now that election is near... It has been decades and these roads are so obsolete in comparison with the traffic needs of the day," said Jalibin.

"The Federal collected tax alone to the tune of RM22 billion annually from Sabah, so there should be no reason not to do it for the rakyat. On top of that, we need more funds for road maintenance as bad roads in Sabah are shortening the life span of our vehicles compared to those in Malaya," he said.

It is a triple tragedy for us in Sabah as we have to fork out more money to buy our vehicles as they are more expensive here than in Malaya, on top of the facts our roads are in bad shape, and that fuels and motor parts and maintenance are more expensive here, he added.


  1. mana2 jalan perlu mempunyai laluan lebih byk dan luas

  2. ini bagi memastikan jalan lebih selamat dan kurang sesak.

  3. Jalan raya Tamparuli-Ranau-Sandakan selalu jem dan perlahan bila ada kenderaan berat macam lori2 besar yang mengangkut barang. Jadi rasanya memang perlulah sekurang2nya 3 lorong.

    1. Accidents tend to happen on this kind of roads. Impatient drivers like to over tack the slow moving vehicles.

    2. Buatlah yang terbaik untuk mengelakkan kemalangan berlaku.

  4. Naiktaraf jalan ni peruntukan diberi tiap tahun tapi bukan semua jalan dapat dinaiktaraf sekaligus. Lagipun Sabah ni luas, berbukit bukau bukannya macam negeri2 di Semenanjung.

  5. Good suggestion from Jalibin, this can be considered by the JKR.

    1. Who knows the Public Works Department will make consideration on this proposal, it will help increase the safety of the roads for the users.

    2. Walau apapun, keselamatan harus diutamakan?

  6. We welcome any constructive suggestions no matter who suggested it. Just as long it is not only criticism just for the sake of criticizing.

    1. Masalahanya banyak sudah permintaan dan cadangan tetapi ne kerajan pusat di bawah UMNO BN kurang ajar betul tidak juga beri tumpuan dan keutamaan kpd jalanraya Sabah masih berabis buat jalan di Smenanjung..sial tul ne UMNO

    2. Star made a good suggestion. The authorities need to take note on this matter.

    3. Setiap cadangan harus dikaji. Yang penting, untuk kebaikan golongan ramai.

  7. Good suggestion from Jalibin Paidi, they should bring this proposal up to the Public Works Department for review.

  8. Any suggestion for improvements should be encourage rather than criticism for the sake of criticizing.

  9. Harus dengar suara rakyat dan membuat kajian untuk kerja naik taraf.

    1. ya..penelitian harus dibuat terlebih dulu.

  10. Pihak berkuasa harus bertindak.

  11. Jalan raya harus diperbesarkan lagi terutama jalan yang belok harus ditegakkan jika boleh.

  12. Peruntukan yang mencukupi diperlukan untuk projek naik taraf khas jalanraya yang masih berkurangan.

    1. penilaian haus dibuat dengan sewajarnya untuk melaksanakan sesuatu.

  13. Jika peruntukan disalurkan dengan mencukupi, rasa-rasa jalanraya di Sabah akan menjadi lebih baik dan selamat.

  14. Pengguna juga harus mengurangkan kelajuan terutama jalan yang kurang baik dan bengkok.

    1. setiap pengguna harus sentiasa berhati-hati ketika berada di jalan raya.

  15. Pihak berkuasa akan mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya untuk membaiki lagi sistem jalan raya yang kurang wajar.

  16. Mengenai cadangan penambahan jalan untuk kawasan tertentu itu satu cadangan yang sepatutnya.

  17. Ini bagi memberikan keselesaan kepada penguna jalan raya sendiri. Bagus juga ini. Saya sokonglah untuk kebaikkan bersama.

  18. jalan amat penting kepada pengguna, sebarang cadangan harus dipertimbangkan.

  19. mana-mana yang baik harus dilakukan untuk rakyat.

  20. saya sangat setuju dengan cadangan ni.. sebagai pengguna jalanraya, kadang2 rasa rimas juga bila sepanjang perjalan asyik berada di belakang lori2 besar..

  21. walaupun cadangan ini memerlukan peruntukkan yang besar, namun ianya agak berbaloi untuk keselamatan pengguna jalanraya di negeri ini..
