STAR: Keningau National Kaamatan Is Political Campaign

KOTA KINABALU: The State Reform Party (STAR) is naturally thankful for the establishment of the KDM College in Keningau, but contends that there is nothing special about the whole thing and that the BN is blowing the whole publicity about it out of proportion.

In a statement here, STAR Sabah Chairman, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan said that the building of one community college for every parliamentary area has been decided for quite a long time now, and that this is just one of them.

“The KDM College is actually a community college, not one with a special purpose for the KDMs,” Jeffrey said. “And it is definitely not due to the special efforts of the PBS that the college is going to be built. And the college is not being built especially for the KDMs but for the Keningau community.

He said that in fact the Borneo Heritage Foundation had applied for the establishment of a special KDM college, to be called North Borneo Huguansiou College, in June last year. The application was sent to YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed KhaledNordin, the Minister of Higher Education.

“In fact the building of the KDM college also highlights the BN’s failure to build the other colleges planned for all the other parliamentary areas after so long.”

Jeffrey also questioned the rationale of having the National Pesta Kaamatan in Keningau, saying it is obviously an attempt to reverse the strong anti-BN sentiment in the Interior in which the shouts of “Inikalilah!” is being heard in every nook and corner, even from small children.

“It is laughable that a national-level celebration is being held in the Interior when it should rightly be held in the national capital where it would attract national and global attention, and get participation from all states,” he said. “The National Pesta Kaamatan is a strong instrument of national unity but what national unity are they going to achieve in the remote Keningau?

“Also, how is the celebration going to maximise on the promotion of the culture of Sabah to the international community, and to the rest of the Malaysian population in Sarawak and the Peninsula? Wouldn’t it be most beneficial for all of us it the celebration was held in Kuala Lumpur or in one of the major cities of the Peninsular?

“The people of Sabah have had so many kaamatan festivals already, so what we really need is for it to be celebrated outside Sabah.

“Obviously this is all just an expensive gimmick for the BN’s political agenda. This is clearly more of a political campaign rather than a national festival to benefit all Malaysians!”

Jeffrey said that BN’s insincerity for national unity is clearly shown in its failure to invite leaders of the opposition to attend the celebration to make it a true celebration by the people regardless of their political affiliations.

“It should be a grand national celebration based on the spirit of Sabah’s culture and not a political gathering,” he added. “It’s a waste of the taxpayer’s money.”


  1. Otopot noh kopio.. Mari kasih kalah UMNO, PBS

    1. Aku pun stuju.

    2. Saya pun setuju.
      INI KALI LAH untuk STAR dan USNO.
      Kalo Sina Sabah sokong Dap, minta mereka sokong juga STAR dan USNO.
      Lupakan saja Sapp, tidak boleh dipercayai.
      Lain Kali Ba untuk kamurang Umno/BN.

  2. mana... Jeffreylah yang tidak jujur dalam berpolitik. sekejap pindah sana pindah sini. bererti ia tudak setia pada diri dan parti... D Sandakan sudah wujud Universiti dan koleg . mengapa mau dipertikaikan permintaan College. yang saya tau semua itu dari bergantu pada kewangan Negeri dan persekutuan. kita sudah maju . kerna d aibkan dan kecewaan boleh di baiki.. bukan kerna nak kempen Parti Star dan mundur dan tak hiduplagi di sarawak .. tapi parti Sabah lah yang perlu diwujudkan demi untuk bangsa dan negara.

  3. Orang seperti ini tak boleh diharap 100% untuk memperjuangkan kepentingan Sabah. Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan Pengerusi STAR telah dizalimi oleh Kuala Lumpur apabila melokapnya di Kamunting selama 2 tahun 7 tahun tanpa dibicarakan kesalahannya. Orang ini tidak setanding dengan kewibawaan DJK awalau 1%pun. Kalau mahu berjuang untuk Malaya, berjuanglah melalui UMNO. Untuk apa itu UMNO ke Sabah? Semua tahu, untuk menguasai Sabah 100% dari segi semua peluang. Lihatlah Sabah paling termiskin negeri di Malaysia dengan MISKIN TEGAR 32,000 orang ditambah dengan 1.7 juta pendatang asing dan diuberi K/P seramai 600,000 orang untuk tujuan mengundi. Adakah anda di atas sangat bangga dengan pencapaian UMNO memerintah di Sabah dengan kerjasama PBS, UPKO. PBRS, MIC dan Gerakan. Jangan cakap parti di Sabah patut perlu di tubuhkan. Saya cabar anda tubuhlah parti seperti yang anda kehendaki, namun seperti juga Parti Kebenaran Sabah dan lain-lain hanya untuk menyokong UMNO juga. Jadi Kami di STAR biarpun banyak kekurangan dari segi dana, kepentingan rakyat Sabah adalah perjuaNGAN walaupun diantara kami mungkin ahli biasa kami tetap perjuangan Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan. John F. Kennedy Presiden A.S. telah mengajak rakyat Amerika, JaNGAN TANYA APA YANG AMERIKA BERI KEPADA ANDA, TETAPI TANYALAH APAKAH SUMBANGAN ANDA TERHADAP NEGARA ANDA. Oleh itu, saya diantara termiskin kerana kawasan tanah NCR dan PT diketepikan oleh kerajaan supaya berbuatlah sesuatu pada negeri Sabah dengan memilih STAR sebagai parti perjuangan kita. Kalau bukan kita Siapa lagi, Kalau bukan sekarang Bila lagi? Jangan Lain Kali. Lain kali kita akan menjadi pelarian di negeri sendiri!!!
