Skeletons in Sabah’s closet

Already reeling from a spate of scandals, the
revelation that foreign authorities have been
scrutinising the bank accounts of some
well-connected Malaysians adds a new twist
to the power struggle in the country.
(FMT) - The spotlight on large sums of unaccountable money linked to Chief Minister Musa Aman going in and out of bank accounts overseas is threatening to crack open the Barisan Nasional’s “fixed deposit” state of Sabah.
Allegations and investigations of shady timber deals and money laundering may be the proverbial ‘last straw’ to shatter the ruling coalition’s hopes of hanging on to power.
Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has announced that investigations into the alleged money laundering by Sabah timber tycoon Michael Chia has been completed and handed to the Attorney-General’s Chambers.
“The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission has conducted investigations into the Michael Chia case which is linked to the Sabah chief minister.
“It has been completed and presented to the AGC for study and a decision,” Najib said in a written reply in parliament this week, adding that the anti-graft body received full co-operation from its Hong Kong counterparts, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), which triggered the investigation in 2008.
But Sabahans are not holding their breath on whether action will be taken by AG Abdul Gani Patail.
When Swiss global financial services giant, UBS Ag confirmed that large sums of money were channeled into the bank accounts of family members of Musa and his cronies, Sabah Umno members and their BN coalition colleagues began to squirm.
Already reeling from a spate of other scandals, a stagnating economy as well as being under fire for cracking down harshly on rallies demanding free and fair elections, the revelation that foreign authorities have been scrutinising the bank accounts of some well-connected Malaysians adds a new twist to the power struggle taking shape in the country.
Scandal not new
The ‘funny money’ allegedly comes from kickbacks from the illegal flow of timber out of Sabah.
That, not all of the state’s enormous wealth is accounted for has long been suspected.
That some of it is being siphoned out to line certain pockets has enraged many especially after a World Bank report showed that the state remains the poorest in the country.
The money-laundering scandal is not new. It has simmered since late 2008 after Chia, was arrested in Hong Kong as he was about to board a flight with a bagful of cash said to total SG$16 million.
Chia was immediately linked to Musa but the Chief Minister denied knowing the man, denied any wrongdoing and, it appeared after a period of silence, the trail of shady deals and international money-laundering at the highest levels was buried.
That is until about two months ago.
It resurfaced with a vengeance with the release of new documents by online news portal Sarawak Report again fingering Musa and again forcing him to deny any involvement in the controversy.
He branded the reports a fabrication and implied the supporting documents and receipts uploaded by the news portal were forgeries.
The news portal earlier this month revealed documents which were tendered by UBS Ag in submissions during a current court case in Singapore relating to the series of deals.
These documents, it said, supported their earlier report of questionable timber deals originating out of Sabah.


  1. Makin dekat PRU makin banyak skandal yang timbul. Malah nampak sagat isu-isu tu sengaja diadakan utk menjatuhkan Musa.

    1. Beliau tidak bersalahlah.

    2. Recycled issue. Nothing new.

    3. Jika Musa tidak terlibat, tidak perlu menumpu perhatian melainkan beliau terlibat.

    4. Rasanya ramai yang ingin menjatuhkan Datuk Musa kerana dengki.

    5. Datuk Musa kata beliau tidak akan membuang masa menghirau tuduhan yang tidak berasas seperti ini. Beliau akan menumpukan perhatianya untuk berkhidmat kepada rakyat.

  2. kenapa hnya terlalu tumpukan pada isu-isu negatif melibatkan ketua menteri Sabah, kenapa tak keluarkan berita mengenai sumbangan beliau kepada rakyat. beliau juga membawa banyak sumbangan kepada Sabah.

    1. Bagus kalau ada penyiasatan lanjut terhadap isu Shafie Apdal yang dikatakan membayar berjuta-juta ringgit kepada Zahida Rafiq. Kenapa tiada yang memberi perhatian terhadap isu ini?

  3. beliau banyak pembangunan kepada Sabah, Sabah dapat keluar dari senarai negeri termiskin. beliau juga seorang yang cintakan alam sekitar dan menjaga dan melindungi hutan2 di Sabah.

    1. Di bawah pemerintahan Datuk Musa Aman, Sabah mampu mencapai RM3 bilion rizab negeri dan memperkukuhkan tahap kewangan negeri kita. Ini satu pencapaian yang baik sehingga mendapat pujian daripada Ketua Audit Negara.

  4. Musa is the chief minister who has stopped logging in the Ulu Segama Malua and Maliau basin and created a forest buffer to protect Danum valley from logging, mining and opening up land for agriculture. Without him, the forests and minerals n the east coast of Sabah would have disappeared.

    1. I agree with you, otherwise Sabah would be in a disaster by now.

    2. Pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan hutan harus dibuat untuk mengelakkan ketidak seimbangan.

    3. Betul, beliau juga meletakkan perhatian untuk perlindungan hutan simpanan. Beliau sanggup melepaskan keutungan yang boleh didapati jika hutan tersebut dibalak, tapi Musa Aman tidak membuat demikian.

  5. since Musa became the Sabah Foundation’s director in 1995. Musa stopped logging in Danum after creating a 250,000-hectare forest buffer around it a year earlier and adopted sustainable forest management.

    1. Tidak mungkin terlibat dalam aktiviti pembalakan haram.

    2. Pihak SPRm harus membuat siasatan yang wajar agar tidak merisikokan mana-mana pihak khas harta milik negara.

    3. Pembalakan haram bukan perkara baru lagi di Sabah.

    4. Daripada semua KM Sabah yang ada, hanya Datuk Musa Aman sahaja yang memberi perhatian dalam perlindungan hutan, yang lain cuma pandai menjual semua hasil hutan untuk keuntungan.

  6. These allegations have not enough evidence to prove Musa guilty as yet. The authorities claimed they have proof but is that relevant enough?

    1. Sudah lama selesai ni kalau dah cukup bukti. ni yang dekat2 PRU baru hot balik. memang maksud politik lah ni.

    2. I believe he is not guilty, so why wasting time finding evidence about this case?

    3. there is not much strong evidence to prove he is guilty.

  7. Najib said the MACC has passed everything to the AG, just wait and see what the AG will decide on this case.

    1. Peguam negara harap dapat laksanakan tugas dengan saksama tanpa pengaruh pihak luar. keadilan pasti akan ditegakkan.

    2. We should just wait for the AG decision on this case. Lets not simply make assumption regarding this case.

    3. Lets wait and see how the case progressing.

  8. Semua pun cakap pasal keburukan Musa. Hairan, takkan mata golongan yang suka sangat menjatuhkan ni tak nampak kebaikan Musa.

    1. Bila ada yang tak suka, dengki tu memang semua pun nampak negatif. tiada satupun yang dia nampak positif.

    2. No one seems to appreciation Musa hard work in developing sabah. Musa is not a perfect leader and so is every leaders in the world. Leaders make mistakes too.

    3. that is the downside of becoming a leader.. someone with a very high position in the state.

    4. Musa contribute a good development to Sabah. Indeed he is better as compare any the earlier.

    5. Pasti ada golongan tidak setuju dengan cara pentadbiran Musa.

    6. Musa Aman mampu mendapatkan bajet tahunan yang tertinggi dalam sejarah daripada Perdana Menteri kita sebanyak RM4.048 billion. Bajet ini boleh menyumbang kepada banyak projek pembangunan dalam negeri.

  9. Kalau tak semua pun at least ada satu lah. Ni tak, macam semua hal yang Musa buat tak kena. huhu

    1. They rather see him for his flaws rather the accomplishment he made on sabah.

    2. Memang macam tu, kalau buat baik, mereka tidak nampak. Kalau buat salah, semua akan kritik.

  10. everyone wants to pull him away from his my my, they couldn't even find faults with him.

    1. With the election coming, there is sure to have many people trying to bring him down by hook or by crook.

    2. His rivals are so desperate now.

    3. biasalah, semasa PRU tiba, masing-masing menantikan peluang untuk menjawat. Jika nak saing, gunalah cara yang lebih amanah.

    4. Ramai yang mahu menjatuhkan beliau kerana mereka ingin mendapatkan jawatan beliau, bukan senang mereka boleh menjejaskan nama baik beliau.

  11. Guilty until proven. Judging Musa by 'street laws' won't make any changes.

  12. Hebat betul oo Musa ni, sampaikan banyak blog yang nak jatuhkan Musa.

    1. Maybe the opposition are feeling that their chances are being threatened due to the increased stability of Musa Aman's leadership in Sabah. Even Dr Mahathir and Najib Razak has acknowledge his ability.

  13. Takpalah, biar rakyat yang buat penilaian sendiri mengenai isu-isu sebegini.

  14. musa aman bersih dan tidak bersalah..sebab belum diputuskan bersalah oleh mahkamah..

    1. Unless proven by the authorities, we cannot be sure that he is guilty for the alleged corruption.

    2. Hantar kes ini ke mahkamah dan biarkan mahkamah yang menentukannya.

  15. isu lama dimainkan semula...biasalah kalau dekat2 pru13..

    1. memang bila dekat pilihan raya ada saja isu yang dimainkan.

  16. ada pihak yang cemburu dengan prestasi cemerlang musa aman selaku KM sabah...sabah membangun dengan pesat sejak musa aman menjadi KM sabah.

    1. Others are feeling threatened when they realize that Musa Aman's leadership is getting stable and many leaders have shown their support for him such as Rahman Dahlan, Shafie Apdal and more.

  17. musa aman is the best CM ever for sabah..

  18. Allegations and investigations of shady timber deals and money laundering may be the proverbial ‘last straw’ to shatter the ruling coalition’s hopes of hanging on to power.

    I don't think Musa Aman's leadership will be easily affected by these sort of allegations.

  19. Kenapa pula kemasukan PATI tanpa tindakan? Tidak mungkin Musa selaku CM tidak tahu apa yang berlaku?

    1. Musa harus buktikan bahawa kerajaan Sabah ikhlas untuk menanggani masalah PATI yang semakin berleluasa.

  20. Banyak andaian dan spekulasi yang tidak baik terhadap Musa. Tindakan ini seakan menjejas imej baik Musa selaku CM.

    1. Its all about political interest. Musa can handle it well as he is not first time been accuse such a way.

  21. Jika ada bukti yang sah, seharus mentedahkan kepada pihak berkuasa, kenapa pula melalui website?

    1. isu yang dimainkan diwebsite hanya untuk mempengaruhi orang lain saja.

  22. Saingan semakin hebat antara parti. Susah nak ramal pengundi di Sabah.

    1. Serba sedikit isu Musa akan mendatangkan impak kepada PRu13.

    2. semua parti sedang berusaha gigih, biar rakyat yang tentukan pemenangnya nanti.

  23. Jika ada bukti yang sah dan kukuh, sudah pasti Musa telah ditahan.

  24. MACC will do the best to investigate.

  25. Mengenai ISU yang dikaitkan dengan Datuk Musa Aman ini masih menjadi persoalan sekarang ini. Kerana cuba berita kita dengar tapi pendedahan bukti dan sebagainya tidak ada pun kita dengar. Maka kita tidak patut percaya perkara sebegini selagi tidak ada bukti yang benar-benar kukuh yang diterima.

  26. Datuk Musa linked to corruption. I'm not sure why, but for my own opinion this is probably the only certain strategy to topple Datuk Musa Aman. Because we know Datuk Musa is clean with all the personal problems. That is why corruption is linked with Datuk. Because this issue is easily created by their selfishness. But it will not undermine the people's support to him. Previously been linked to corruption issues. But until now the people of Sabah themselves do give support to him. This means that the issue of corruption associated with him has no effect and undermine the support of the population.

  27. sampai sekarang pun, isu ini tidak terbukti.

    1. isu macam ini sekejap ada dan lepas tu senyap..namun tiada apa yang mengesahkan kesahihan semua dakwaan ini.

  28. ekonomi dan pembangunan Sabah semakin berkembang dengan baik. usaha ini harus berterusan.

    1. itulah yang paling pembangkang takut.. bila ekonomi sabah berkembang, maka musnahlah harapan mereka untuk merampas negeri ini..

  29. ada saja yang kita dengar..tapi isu gini hanya belegar di internet saja pun.

    1. satu lagi, isu2 seperti ini hanya muncul bila dekat2 pilihanraya..

  30. if the state of forests were alleged to be so bad in Sabah, why the United Nation Development Programme's resident representative, Kamal Malhotra, described Sabah as a model of sustainable forest management not only for Southeast Asia, but also the WORLD??

  31. we should be glad that Sabah is closely monitored by those who are interested in sustainable development. unlike the previous CM who give away our 300 000ha valuable forest to 265 companies..
