Reaction on "all are frogs" story

PENAMPANG : Yet to a veteran politician, Fredoline Edwin Lojingki, 72, one must be judged on what he has been doing or trying to do in his leadership as a politician. "In Sabah, actually all are frogs, but who among these frogs are really fighting for the state rights and the people?" he argued.

Lojingki, who himself had been with Unko in 1960s and then with PBS for a long time until he quit from it recently to join Star, also is of the opinion that there is a great difference between what Dr Jeffrey is trying to achieve to that of the rest of his contemporary in Sabah's politics.

"Yes Dr Jeffrey jumped parties, but clearly he was not doing it for his own self interest, otherwise he could have just stick with a ruling party and kept his mouth shut and enjoyed all the perks and leisure time, no need to travel to the remotest places in Sabah just to tell them what their rights are..." said the veteran activist. 


  1. mereka yag pemimpin USNO dan berpindah kepada UMNO bukan lompat parti. kerana USNO dibubarkan untuk memberi peluang kepada UMNO

  2. Jeffrey mmg raja katak, paling suka lompat parti seperti tiada pendrian.

    1. I almost lost count of the many times Jeffrey Kitingan jump parties, from PBS, to PBRS, to Akar and then to UPKO. I never seen a politicians jump ship so many times in history.

    2. I can't even remember the name of party he has joined. He made the most jump compared to other politicians. I can't believe that non of the 6 parties that Jeff jump to is not relevant to the fight he is seeking for.

  3. How can we be sure Jeffrey will not jump again if they win the next general elections? The people put their trust in him during the UBF formation, but Jeffrey abandoned the agenda for politics with Star.

    1. Not only jeff will jump but he will also change agenda. It would no longer be the fight for 20 points .

    2. Don't trust 100% on politicians.

    3. Jeffrey used the Borneo Agenda for political leverage for his Star party. Many UBF supporters are disappointed that this agenda was turned into a political tool.

  4. JK sudah 6 kali lompat parti, macam mana juga mau percaya pemimpin begini??memang betul nampak macam tiada pendirian.

    1. A leader that is inconsistent is a leader that could not be trusted. He may be fighting for the 20 points now but in the near future he would not.

    2. Jeffrey is no doubt the biggest frog in Malaysia politics, there is no other politician who jumped as much as Jeffrey.

  5. Jeffrey’s (Kitingan) favourite game is hop, step and jump.

    1. and Jeff favourite dance is hip hop..

  6. Jeff never stayed long enough in a party.

    1. Once he realize he didn't have the chance to become the President, he jumps to another party.

  7. Rakyat harus tahu bezakan katak yang berwawasan dan berprinsip dengan katak di bawah tempurung.

    1. jadi biar rakyat sendiri buat pilihan mereka.

  8. bukan semua ahli politik sabah adalah katak..

  9. Kalau kita ikut perkembangan sejarah lompat parti yang paling menang sudah pastilah Jeffery. Dari dulu sehingga sekarang mungkin sudah 4 atau 5 parti beliau sertai dan sekarang ini parti pinjam dari Sarawak iaitu STAR.

  10. Kesian kalau kita lihat apa yang berlaku dengan JK ini. Asyik lompat parti menyebabkan sokongan keapda beliau semakin berkurangan sebelum ini. Ini kerana kepercayaan penduduk Sabah berkurangan atas sikap tidak ada pendirian sendiri.

  11. kalau sudah terlampau banyak lompat parti, susah juga itu.

    1. ya, kalau sering lompat parti, nampak macam tiada pendirian.

  12. dari dulu JK memang sering lompat parti. itu yang menjejaskan imej beliau.

  13. semua pun tahu rekod JK ni. jadi pandai-pandailah nilai.

  14. Jeffrey telah berpindah parti banyak kali bermula dari PBS, PBRS, AKAR, UPKO and PKR.. kini beliau tubuhkan STAR.. malah punca beliau berpindah parti adalah kerana tidak diberikan jawatan dalam parti.

  15. dari PBS ke PBRS.. bila dia gagal mendapatkan jawatan presiden, dia keluar menyertai AKAR. akibat tidak diberikan jawatan presiden dalam AKAR, sekali lagi dia keluar menyertai PBS. ketika dalam PBS, Jeffrey berkeinginan untuk memegang jawatan timbalan presiden, namun gagal. akhirnya beliau keluar lagi dan cuma memasuki pari umno tapi permohonannya ditolak. Jeffrey akhirnya menyertai PKR, tapi seperti biasa, selepas dia gagal dilantik ke jawatan pengerusi PKR negeri, sekali lagi dia keluar..

  16. akhirnya Jeffrey terpaksa menumpang parti STAR dari Sarawak sekaligus membolehkan beliau memegang jawatan pengerusi STAR Sabah. belumpun sampai setahun STAR bertapak di Sabah, beliau sudah berani mengarahkan parti malaya balik ke malaya semata2 untuk memberikan beliau laluan meletakkan calon di semua kerusi di negeri ini..

  17. berdasarkan perjalanan politik JK ini, nilailah sendiri siapa yang selayak2nya digelar katak.. daripada membantu parti Sarawak untuk melebarkan sayap di negeri ini, kenapa JK tidak bergabung saja dengan SAPP?? kenapa perlu beliau umumkan akan bertanding di semua kerusi??
