Masidi please help us on our road, says STAR leader

RANAU : The State Reform Party (Star) head of Raau division has challenged Keranaan assemblyman Masidi Manjun to put meaning to the government slogan of "1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now" by immediately upgrading an important 5 kilometer road here.

"This slogan must be applied in solving our own perennial local poblem. Please upgrade or asphalt the $road that connect Kampung Pahu and Kampung Mohimboyon and Kampung Lipantai," said Jalibin in challenging the veteran Masidi in a statement here today.,

Jalibin said the 5km road has been in poor condition for quite sometime and passable only by motorcycles now as the government failed to maintain it for years, what more to upgrade it.   

“If this road is tarred, many in Ranau especially within Keranaan area where Masidi is the representative. People from as far as Kampung Tudan and Kampng Himbaan would also benefit from it.

"Even people from Masidi's own birthplace Kampung Terelobou would finally benefit from a good road, not like now what they endure is sheer shame and pain," said Jalibin.

According to Jalibin, much needed to be exposed and said in Ranau and that he would like to highlight them not because of the looming general election but the people have suffered long enough and he would not want UMNO leaders to squat on them.

He further claimed that for now all road users from Tudan areas up to Pahu have no choice but to use a longer route via Bundu Tuhan or the Randagong Road to reach Ranau township.

"If the 5kkm stretch is asphalted our people will not only travel easily but more time and money will be saved. This is what we call "people first" if the ruling party understands what we mean," he said.

Jalibin also questioned the local leaders priority when they went ahead first with the water pipe supply project than the road. "Not that we don't want water supply but currently almost all of the affected kampungs already have enough gravity water supply, what we need is the upgrading of our roads.

"Perhaps, the water pipe can come later... This water project takes millions of people's ringgits, they should upgrade our road first," he insisted adding that the government of the day did not consult the rakyat first but only prioritise profits to be shared among favoured contractors and UMNO politicians.

Jalibin questioned the logic of spnding so much public money in putting up so many "Tak Nak Merokok signboards, building cabin school classes, solar electricity in schools, and the erection of giant water tanks to so-called harvest rain water for rural schools.

Meanwhile, a kampung folk from Tudan, Imi Bansinai, agreed with Jalibin that the road mentioned was much needed  for upgrading as it is in very poor conditioned pasable only by motorcycles now.

"Jalibin made a brave suggestion here, as if nothing is done to attract he attention of politician from the ruling party, soon the road might not be passable even by motorcycles," Bansinai said adding that what Jalibin said was the peoples' own voice..

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