Is it true Kinabalu Park and Poring Hot Spring now under Singapore company?

By Ezra Haganez
RANAU : The Star Reform Party (star) head for Ranau division, Jalibin Paidi, had asked the Barisan Nasional state government if it is true that management of the two popular tourist attractions in Ranau had been "surrendered" to Singapore !

Jalibin said it has been a hot topic among people in Ranau that the Kinabalu Park, whole or part of it, and the popular Poring Hot Spring near here had its management "transferred" or "surrendered" from Malaysian authority to Singapore companies.

"Now that many take this still as mere rumour, i would like the State Minister of Tourism and Environment, Masidi Manjun, who is also Keranaan assemblyman, to clarify immediately on the status of the two popular tourist attractions in Ranau," he said in a statement issued from Ranau today.

"Please be specific on your explanation which and which had been "surrendered" by this UMNO-led state government to foreign companies. Many in Ranau are concerned with the rumour that authority had been surrendered from previous manager, Sutera Harbour to a Singapore company," he further said.

According to Jalibin, seen as a potential Star candidate in either Keranaan state constituency or Ranau Parliamentary seat, said Masidi's clarification is all that is needed to quash such rumour which does not help Sabah at all.

"Tell us when was they transferred? And how? Or if not, why the constant rumour on Singapore control?

"Does it have something to do with Singapore controlling the current company or what? Please clarify," he said. 

Jalibin also asked the Minister to reveal how privatisation of the two tourism spots had contributed to the state economy before and after privatisation.

"I am sure the minister would be generous enough to share with us the data if they have nothing to hide from the people," Jalibin added.

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