Old lady dies in a hut waiting for "hijacked" PPRT house

By Dr Nicholas James Guntobon
Two days ago, an old lady, a bona fide Sabahan, in her 70s who had been living alone for years in an old shack (look at the hut in the piucture) in Kampung Ulu Kauran near here died without seeing her application for a more decent house under PPRT being approved after years of pleading.

Kg Ulu Kauran is in Liawan, and was not allocated a proper Kampung Development and Security Committee (JKKK). The kampung was put under the JKKK Kampung Ulu Patikang instead.
I would like to ask what would be the comment from the office of Liawan Umno's assemblyman Sairin Karno about this one.

Why couldn't he have helped the old lady when he can swiftly swing into action to help provide amenities to a newcomers in this town, for instance in the illegal colony near the Rumah Murah Keningau?

I am made to understand that the old lady in Kg Ulu Kauran had been hopeful to get PPRT house so that it would be more convenient for her and her relatives who visited her every now and then. She passed away two days ago without seeing her application being processed !   

There must be similar cases in Keningau and other towns in Sabah. If the Umno-and-PBS led government is caring, it would have resolved the predicament of such clear-cut needy native in a blink of an eye, or with a stroke of a pen.

1 comment:

  1. Mana Pairin MP Keningau ?? Sairin ?? Ah nama pun dekat2 sama ! Sama jak dorang inda peduli orang kampung native..
