What the hell thousands "Bajau Semporna" doing in Liawan, Keningau ?

By Dr Nicholas James Guntobon
KENINGAU : I am responding to Liawan assemblyman Sairin Karno's reaction to an expose i made regarding the about 1,000 PATAIs suddenly sprucing up their houses in an open space in Liawan, only one km from town.

I think Sairin should not confuse the people about the facts surrounding the influx of about 1,000 illegal immigrants who had turned an open space near Keningau low-cost housing into illegal kampung dubbed the new "Indah Permai".

It was clearly stated as an open space in the Land and Survey Department's locality plan, and not stream reserve as Sairin claimed. Sairin was misleading when he said there are Chinese and Murut families there.

Actually there is no Chinese in that mushrooming colony, and the Muruts actually live nearby and it was the Chinese and Murut families who are now worried for the safety of their families and properties.

It must be God's plan that Sairin himself admitted that Bajaus from Semporna are those in the ilegal squatters he helped created ! But i would share the locals' query for Sairin, what are the "Bajaus from Semporna" doing in Liawan Keningau ? In the thousands in that open space !

Sairin has the gut to say that "i migrated to Keningau".. since when did i become illegal immigrant? Does Sairin consider me already a pendatang now ? What about other Dusun and Murut natives, does he call them pendatang in their own state now?

Can Sairin please clarify whether it is true that he considers those newly-arrived as locals and Malaysians simply because the UMNO-led authority have issued them with Malaysian identity cards?

Of course the open space next to low-cost housing has not been gazetted as recreation area but it had been used by the people as such for their families. This does not mean that any PTI should be encouraged to build houses or squatters on it either. And on top it bring in swiftly all amenities like electricity supply to these newly-arrived colonies.

PATAI stands for Pendatang Asing Tapi Ada IC


  1. Alamak,now the colors of these people are becoming clearer by the day.Quite many,many months ago I heard a story that Hell is going to break loose; sure enough Hell has broken loose & they are fiery. They are burning everything in their path, but the fire will burn out and these will find themselves cast back into the real Hell,burning without end.He who laughs last,last best.

  2. Ne lah kalau sudah gila girlfren PATAI.. Sampai mata juling.,

  3. Hoi YB ambal nah katahanan kau bini-bini pilak ? lol

    Muka YB UMNO ne lebih suka melindungi PTAI dari rakyat Sabah kah sudah . Ini kali lah !

  4. itu la,keningau ada polis......ada jabatan tanah.......sprm pun ada..........bagus lagi kalo ada complain ,,,terus pg kkinabalu punya branch baru bleh pcaya kan....keningau punya cwngan tida boleh pakai...

  5. nah... inilah yang dikatakan fix deposit YB... untuk memastikan UMNO terus berjaya memijak kepala bumiputera sabah
