We will go to international court, says STAR

KOTA BELUD : The State Reform Party (STAR) said if it forms or leads the next state government, it would consider taking matters to court, including international courts, if then Federal Government continued to trample on the 1963 pledges and the Malaysia Agreement.

Deputy chairman of the Sabah chapter of STAR, Daniel John Jambun, said it is pertinent that the next state government subscribed to the Borneo Agenda if Sabah is to be saved from further destruction by unfavourable policies by Federal power against it.

"We have seen the destructions to Sabah's right and autonomy. It most important that we form state government so that we have strong locus standi to seek remedial actions from the court, including the international court," he said.

Jambun said this when he launched the Kadamaian STAR at a gathering in Kampung Kelawat near here last Wednesday (Apr 11, 2012).

He also said that what STAR is seeking is the restoration of "absolute autonomy" for Sabah and also Sarawak, as agreed in the 20 Points agreement for Sabah and the 18 Points for Sarawak as pre-conditions for the two independent countries then to federate with Singapore and Malaya in 1963 in a new Federation of Malaysia.

"What we will be seeking is the restoration of our rights and autonomy in accordance with the all guarantees and Malaysia Agreement signed by the British Government, Federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak in London in 1963," he said.

Also in attendance were Sabah STAR state secretary Guandee Kohoi, STAR head for Kota Belud division, Rubin Guribah, Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) supreme council leader, Peter Marajin as well as other leaders of STAR.


  1. All you Sabahans Doctors,lawyers & other professionals,who are still stubborn in continuing to be members of peninsular based parties,PKR,DAP,PAS,you who are blinded by dream of being wakil rakyat; why don't you sit down & meditate deeply on the exercise that you are allowing yourselves to be stooges by the Prince of the world as a divisive tool to destroy the great possibility,that united against the Barisan Nasional candidates in the 13th general election, the Sabah based parties SAPP & STAR would win with a landslide victory.Why are you all so dumb & blind? Is the rumour true that some of you are paid handsomely to destroy the chance of a lifetime for SAPP & STAR to win. PKRPAS,why are stoneheaded,you should spend fulltime & wholehearted in Malaya to destroy the Barisan Nasional parties over there.Do not forego the chances of the opposition Sabah-parties to destroy the BN parties here,for in so doing,you too will destroy your chance to overhaul Bn parties in Malaya.Wake up,open your eyes that you will thus see & accept this fact.

  2. Agree !

    I am outraged by how Malayan politicians played out Sabah and Sarawak... Kamu tunggunlah bencana menimpa kamu di Malaya..
