‘Umno tore apart my father’s legacy’

By Luke Rintod of FMT
KOTA KINABALU: Former Sabah governor and chief minister Tun Mustapha Harun’s son has accused Umno of betraying his father’s trust and tearing apart his legacy.

Badaruddin Tun Mustapha said it was ironical that Umno, the party that his father had helped enter into Sabah politics, had plundered the state and reduced its immense wealth and power to a few handouts from the federal government.

He focused his concerns on reports that Chief Minister Musa Aman had allegedly siphoned off millions from Yayasan Sabah, a foundation his father set up in 1966.

“It is disappointing and distressing to see the now Umno-led Barisan Nasional politicians and their cronies supplementing their income with Yayasan Sabah wealth by dipping their dirty hands into this Sabah’s common treasure.

“The fact that Sabah is now the poorest state in Malaysia is proof that they have mismanaged and misappropriated our vast wealth. If this is allowed to continue our children’s future will be bleak,” Badaruddin said.

In a series of exposé complete with documented evidence, online news portal Sarawak Report disclosed deep levels of corruption and mismanagement by Musa and his stable of politicians and business associates since he assumed power in 2003.

Musa has, however, issued a denial.

But Badaruddin is unconvinced. He said he was deeply distressed to find out that the foundation which his father set up for the purpose of uplifting the lives of Sabahans, had failed to fulfil its role.

Yayasan Sabah was supposed to complement and supplement government’s efforts in raising the standard of living of Sabahans, especially those who are hardcore poor and desperate, he said.

Vote UBA

Badaruddin is the pro tem president of Usno, which is a member of Jeffrey Kitingan-led United Borneo Alliance (UBA). Both Usno and the State Reform Party (STAR) are members of UBA.

He said that UBA, if elected to helm the state, would put in place a system that would manage Yayasan Sabah in a transparent, professional and efficient manner.

“When this is done I am sure the positive result will astonish the people. We will be able to offer more scholarships and financial assistance to the people of this great state of Sabah and once again make this state the richest in the country.

“When UBA comes to power, I, as the son of the founder of Yayasan Sabah pledge to help turn the Yayasan student loans into scholarships for those who graduated and have worked in any capacity in Sabah,” he said.

Badaruddin said his aim is to ensure that the facility is not abused and to help the students contribute to the state in view of the current PTPTN (National Higher Education Fund Corporation) controversy where students are protesting the BN government’s apparent crackdown on students with PTPTN loans.

The government move followed massive write-off of loans incurred by BN cronies and wastage through corruption amounting to billions of ringgits.

Badaruddin also urged the authorities to investigate allegations made by Sarawak Report in relation to Musa.

The portal reported that Musa allegedly siphoned off massive amounts of money from Yayasan Sabah for the benefit of a few.


  1. The Shocking Truth Part 1

    The time has come to expose what is going on inside Yayasan Sabah Group not for anyone personal interest but for the sake of the rakyat of Sabah especially our students who are in need of scholarship and loan to further their studies. Our group of ex-YS staff are extremely concerned about the future of YS and will write a series of articles exposing what is going inside YS to expose the wrong doings with the hope that the powers behind YS will take action and rise beyond their personal interest. The Chief Minister cum Chairman Board of Trustees Datuk Seri Musa Hj. Aman, and members of the Board of Trustees which consists of Cabinet Ministers, the State Secretary, the Director of Forestry, Head of Government Departments and the Director of YS should be fully accountable for all actions taken during their tenure. Although irreparable damage is already done and it may be already too late to save YS, we still hope and pray that the Chairman and BOT will come to their senses and take corrective action to save whatever left of YS assets. The Chairman and the BOT cannot be blind to what is going on as many of them like the Director of Forestry Datuk Sam Manan, knows very well what is going on over the years but has chosen to keep quiet. Our exposé is based on what we have seen of YS records, board papers, minutes of meetings and published articles shown to us by YS staffs that have been frustrated, abused, harassed and bullied over the years by one particular lady, Hajjah Rosmawati Lasuki who is very close to the Chief Minister.

    YS is supposed to be the premier GLC but due to mismanagement by Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Hj. Jamalul, Director of YS and his sidekicks Hajjah Rosmawati Hj. Lasuki, Senior Group Manager of Human Resources & Admin, and Andi Francis Toyong, Senior Group Finance Manager, the organization is in poor financial health. YS was created by a special enactment with specific purpose for the benefit of the people of Sabah especially in the field of education. Today YS is cash strapped and is in the brink of bankruptcy. YS have been liquidating its cash deposit, shares and bonds since 2011 to keep afloat. Altogether more than RM 250 million of its liquid assets has been cashed out to meet its education and social obligations. Many of YS subsidiaries and associated companies like Sabah Softwoods are now forced to borrow money from commercial banks to finance its expansion and are forced to pay back YS for the initial capital injection even though they need the money for their plantation expansion. There is no such thing as RM 1 or RM 3 billion reserves that has been quoted and reported in the media. All that is left in YS have is the fixed assets of buildings and land banks which is useless unless YS sells these fixed assets for cash. YS bank statements will show that there are little liquid assets left as it has been squandered by the of gang Khalil, Rosmawati and Andi. We have viewed copies of the bank transaction records shown to us by YS accounts department staff and we hope that Musa Aman won't deny this like he denied knowing Michael Chia when the Sarawak Report released a series of articles on the rampant timber corruption in YS. The gang mentioned have tried to cover the financial deficits through various means. This year YS are sending fewer students to Peninsular and cutting back on scholarship and loans because of YS poor financial health. This is shameful.


  2. The Shocking Truth Part 2

    Both Khalil and Rosmawati have treated and continue to treat YS as their own personal company and have abused the organization's resources for their own benefit. Khalil has been too long as Director in YS and is staying on so that he can still be paid huge salaries and benefits including fully paid medical expenses for him and his family. He has already had a heart bypass and his operation in Singapore fully paid by YS and including his post care medical bills has exceeded RM 250,000. Already drawing pension and retired as the highest ranked civil servant in previous government, he is still staying on without any shame. He has not done an honest day work over the last few years. He rarely comes to office and is affected by constant gout. In the afternoon he spends time with his second wife and return to the office around 4pm and leaves around 6.30 giving the impression to his first wife that he works hard till late evening when he is spending long hours with his second wife during the day. Khalil has no business experience and yet he is the Executive Chairman of Innoprise Corporation (ICSB) the commercial arm of YS. ICSB has more than 50 companies and from the published accounts and past YS annual dinner address by Khalil to staff and guests in front of the CM and BOT members it has been declared that the majority of YS companies from Shipping to Innoprise Wood products are making huge losses. Shipping and many YS subsidiaries are continuing to make huge losses running into millions. Musa and Khalil do not seem to care. Musa Aman and the BOT have contributed to this dismal state at YS because of their failure to act in the interest of the rakyat of Sabah. Khalil is known to be indecisive and his decision making is very slow; many people have complained that it is difficult to make appointments to see him to discuss issues that concern YS and its subsidiaries companies. He is no longer interested to serve YS and he should go now. YS staff has long suffered under his style of management and he is easily manipulated by Rosmawati. It is a real pity that after a distinguished career as a top civil servant, Khalil has no shame or a sense of pride left.

    Rosmawati is a cunning bugis woman who has exploited her position as HR Manager to threaten YS staff with dismissal, transferring them to lesser position, dismantling departments and absorbing them into her department. She has the biggest number of staff and most of them are idling or put in cold storage. We can see from past and numerous restructuring exercises how many divisions had been dismantled by her and absorbed into her department so that she can weaken certain YS staff that does not agree with her and put them under her control. Some of the departments that have been dismantled are Corporate Communications, the Conservation and Research Department, the Building Maintenance Division, the IT department, and the YS Paramedic team.


  3. The Shocking Truth Part 2

    Why is she so powerful? She is powerful because she uses Musa Aman name to threaten people. She was the former secretary of Musa Aman and has a very close and personal relationship with him. Some people believe that she is one of the CM many wives or mistress. This is an open secret and everybody in Sabah from the State Ministers, Adun, and senior government servant and business leaders knows who she is. She is a destructive, vindictive and cunning person and she will not hesitate to remove and isolate YS staff who are not in her good books. Musa Aman will always deny that he has a special relationship with Rosmawati but as he has not taken any action to remove her despite numerous complaints from YS staff. Rosmawati is a liability to YS and many staff, ex-staff friends and families would not vote to keep the government in power because of Rosmawati. The Internet is full of articles and complaints about Rosmawati and many articles have written negatively about her. Yet the Chairman and BOT has not taken any action against her.

    Rosmawati handles many huge projects in Yayasan Sabah including the RM 1 Billion Convention Centre, the RM 20 million Handicraft Centre, the IT Companies, Tourism, Tun Mustapha Gallery, KYS College, and CEO Conference. She sits on the board of numerous YS companies and attends ICSB BOD meetings even though she is not as a Board member. She is a spy for the CM and influences ICSB Board decisions violating all corporate governance, and influencing decisions for her own personal gain. She has an MBA from Edith Cowan University, but those who spoken to her and listen to her speak in English at meetings will wonder how she managed to get her MBA. She has always boasted to many people that she has helped Musa Aman get his MBA from the Edith Cowan University by getting other people to write the papers and thesis for him. Did she get her MBA the same way? The best test is to get her to write a simple 1000 words essay and we can judge for ourselves whether she is even capable of writing a 30,000 words thesis. She has been protected all along by Musa Aman and we must stop her by exposing her. How can someone with no business experience and qualifications are put in charge of projects worth billions.


  4. The Shocking Truth Part 4

    Musa Aman always lectures Sabah GlCs on performance and financial prudence. But he has ignored YS poor financial performance and mismanagement and had protected the gang of Khalil, Rosmawati and Andi. In 2011 Khalil hired consultants Ernst and Young to conduct a study on YS past performance and financial health and lead a corporate transformation program. After spending RM 1.5 million on the E & Y consultant fees, Khalil and the gang have influenced YS Transformation Program to suit their personal agenda. The report was supposed to be an independent review by E & Y and to propose a turnaround plan but has now become useless as it has been heavily influenced by Rosmawati. The E & Y report is kept very confidential and only known o Khalil, Rosmawati and Andi and many GMs have not seen the final recommendations and feel very unhappy about it. This was the last chance to turnaround YS and to get YS out of its financial mess but the gang of Khalil, Rosmawati and Andi have failed YS. This have confused and demoralized the long suffering YS staff even more as staff are very concerned about the future of Yayasan Sabah and their job security. More will be exposed on the mismanagement in YS and the huge financial losses in the coming days by the destructive gang of Khalil, Rosmawati and Andi.

    The Shocking Truth of YS Part 5 - Soon
