Star should adopt SAPP proposal for Sabah IC, says Star man in Kinabatangan

TONGOD : A key leader of State Reform Party (Star) in Kinabatangan, which is flooded by illegal immigrants, has called upon Star leadership to consider adopting and improving the proposal by another opposition party, Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), to introduce a Sabah identification card, as among its objective.

James Ait, who is also Star state committee member, in a statement today said that the issuance of such state own identification card should be stringent and will differentiate between those genuine Sabahans and those who got the easily-available to immigrants Malaysian MyKads.

"It is sad that today MyKads are freely being given to newly-arrived immigrants, especially to muslims from the southern Philippines and Indonesia...

"Sabah should have from the very beginning in 1963 insisted that it issue its own identification cards since it has power over immigration as stipulated in both the state and federal constitutions.

"But this was never done, leaving the Federal authority instead of monopoly to do whatever it likes to alter the political balance in Sabah,"s he said adding that something must be done to differentiate between bona fide Sabahans and Malaysianised new-comers.

Ait said that it is only right for an alternative government like Star to adopt the idea now so that a thorough follow-up could be carried out later, when it forms a new government, and that to make the genuine people here see some security in their own state.


  1. Jangan salahkan PTI yang dapat IC kerana mereka hanya penerima nikmat....tetapi salahkan diri kita kerana menutup mata sebelah atau menutup kedua2 mata. Kita yang undi YB2, kita juga menginas YB2...maka YB2 pun ambil kesempatan dengan kita supaya terus dapat berkuasa. Semuanya bermula dengan diri kita...jika kita tidak berubah mengikut landasan yang betul, maka selamanya kita jadi pengkhianat kepada anak2, cucu2, cicit2 serta generasi yang akan datang. Jangan salahkan mereka nanti jika mereka juga tidak dapat mempertahankan kubur kita daripada diambil orang luar dan ditanam kelapa sawit atau getah diatasnya.

    1. Betul oo apa sudra cakap ne.. nanti kubur kita pun kena korek macam syarikat2 Malay dang buat di sana sini sekarang... Patai ne UMNO tau..

      Kasih kalah semua dorang PBS UPKO dan UMNO

  2. Ya ini idea yang sangat bagus.. Ada IC Sabah. tAPI JANGAN charge rakyat ah.. nanti orang tuduh bikin cari duit saja itu buat IC, bah kalau charge rm10 satu kali dua juta lebih berapa sudah itu? Banyak itu..

    Buat betul-betul

  3. STAR telah mengeluarkan Masterplan Minyak dan Tanah yang jelas dan hebat.
    Yakin STAR akan keluarkan cadangan untuk isu immigration dan PTI yang lebih hebat daripada Sapp.
