Scorpene scandal: Inquiry commences today, Apr 19, at Paris Tribunal de Grande Instance

Submarine Scandal: Inquiry Commence 19 April 2012 at Paris Tribunal de Grande Instance (TGI)

Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) is pleased to inform that an inquiry into the alleged corruption, misuse and abuse of taxpayers money, linked to the purchase of the two Scorpene class submarines, back in 2002 will commence on 19 April (Thursday) at the Paris Tribunal de Grande Instance (TGI), known as a first degree court that deals with civil litigation matters. Lawyers William Bourdon and Joseph Breham will be the lead counsel representing SUARAM in France.

SUARAM at this time will be represented by Dr. Kua Kia Soong (Director and one of the founders of SUARAM), followed by Cynthia Gabriel (Secretariat Member) and lawyer Fadiah Nadwa. Dr. Kua Kia Soong will give the witness statement on the reason why SUARAM has filed the case in 2010. This investigation will be conducted before two judges, Judge Roger Le Loire and Judge Serge Tournaire.

SUARAM will also provide names such as then Defense Minister and current Prime Minister Najib Razak, Abdul Razak Baginda, Steve Sharribuu and also others that are believed to be able to assist in the investigation to know the truth about this scandal of 10 years which was also associated with Altantuya's Sharibuu death in 2006.

SUARAM hope that with the commencement of this case in France, we can send a clear message that Malaysians will not sit back and look at corrupt politicians and rampant corruption activities in Malaysia. The Malaysian people wants a government that is transparent, free from corruption and that will also protect the interests of the people.

SUARAM will continue to provide information after the delegation returns from France. For further information, please call Nalini at 03-7784 3525.


  1. Ini kali lah,bah.

  2. The ghost of that beautiful girl Altantuya haunt these stealers and killers..

  3. Altantuya is stretching out her hands to grab those people for justice & she has managed to grab some,now they are losing sleep & they are restless,when they don't talk:no wonder they talk,talk,but only lies can come out.The bell is ringing by ki lee & not,but yet more lies. In the old days,I was told by my elder sisters and brothers a man riding bicycle drive slowly ringing bells & boys in particular came out running to buy ice cream.Now men/women drive big xpsive cars & fiosluking bodigads came shoutig ringing ringgits & promise ripened RCI,they say now voters men/women came out 2buy sour/bitter icecream.De say,these icecream sellers,tipu only,so now want throw out their timbangan. Inikalilah.

  4. poyo lebih lge nak rasuah tunku korang tak nak buat tribunal ke?
