Sairin, okey let us debate says STAR's Dr Nicholas

By Dr Nicholas James Guntobon
KENINGAU :  UMNO's Liawan State Assemblyman Sairin Karno has challenged STAR's Sabah chairman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan to a debate on the 20 Points and Borneonisation.

Such a challenge to Dr Jeffrey should come from Sabah UMNO Chief Musa Aman and not Sairin who lacks locus standi.

The proper protocol should be observed.

As a STAR deputy chairman, I am willing to debate any deputy president of any Sabah Barisan Nasional component party on the subject.

Just name the time and place and I will be there.
The Sabah BN parties are led by nothing more than proxies and stooges of their Malayan lords. They are traitors.

Why talk of the 20 Points and Borneonisation now?

Even the Chief Minister of Sabah is not appointed by the people, the state assembly, the state constitution and the TYT.
The Chief Minister is appointed by the Malaya power in Putrajaya.

The Malayan parties are in Sabah to further worsen the imbalance of seats in Parliament. Needless to say they should not also have any seats in the state assembly. Wither the autonomy of Sabah as promised in 1963?

It's a violation of the Malaysia Agreement that Sabah and Sarawak, through local parties, no longer have 35 percent of the seats in Parliament, so that Peninsular Malaysia alone does not have more than a two-thirds of the seats and alone can amend the Federal Constitution or pass laws.

So, Sairin should explain what he's doing with his Malaya-based party and what his Malaya warlords are doing in Sabah. Can he deny that he's a proxy and stooge for the Malaya party and a traitor to Sabahans?

The Sabah BN parties have sold their souls to the devil.


  1. Ini kali lah,kairin kena sidekick dari Sabah.

  2. YB pembela PATAI..harap dia tumbang cepat..

    1. Saijuling bin Ungkarno,Liawan KeningauApril 10, 2012 at 1:04 PM

      Ngam lah etu...kasih sidekick c Juling tu...tiada guna punya pemimpin politik. C Juling tu sudah lapok punya pemimpin bah tidak laku lagi dizaman IT ini...Bagus diam2 urus bini binian!

  3. Saya YB UMNO kawan Dato Najib Tun Razak, apa kamu tidak tahukah? Suka hati saya lah apa saya mau buat. Kamu itu tahu bising dan kondem Kerajaan sahaja..Cit tra guna punya orang

  4. Please...
    no more domination
    Think about the people
    Think about 20,000 child that is unschooling
    A city never develop
    Don't use politic as a tools of games(politician)
    Together we stand
    make the earth a better place to live in
