An open letter to Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak

Dear Mr Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak,

I read in the news today, you warned voters against supporting the opposition, saying this will derail efforts to make Malaysia a “high income” economy.

You also said, “The success would be ruined by the populist “promises” made by Pakatan Rakyat which is only interested in power by offering voters “sweet” but detrimental policies.” “So beware the actor, the pied piper, who is only good at promising you the world, the moon and even the universe. It is only clever at making promises but has complete disregard for the repercussions.”

Sir,…I don’t know whether the remarked of your is “copyright” from somewhere, because heard the same remarks by your deputy (Muhydin Yassin) during the Sarawak election a year ago. Who is copying who now.?? Muhydin copying you or you copying Muhydin?

Nonetheless, this is not what I this email is about because it is not the basic purpose of the elected politician is to provide structure and protection to the people whom they govern. The politician holding office (Prime Minister) must make important decisions regarding the safety and overall well-being of the population the government oversees. You failed your duty.

As matter of fact Mr Prime Minister, I don’t belong to any of (Malaysian) political parties but that doesn’t mean I’ve no right to write out my opinions because I am citizen and bumiputra. As matter of fact, I do understand our struggle today is not for the purpose of uplifting one man pursuing his position for nothing but because we have seen enough what you’ve done during your one term as Malaysia Prime Minister.

Sir, I am not writing this email to you for the purpose of enumerating your mistakes and weaknesses because it all would be an exercise in futility and nothing good will come out of it except further expose the greed and your lust for power and soil whatever remaining silver lining our country's image may have before the eyes of the world.

I need not reminds you that all this is for your sense gratification, a sure sign of material bondage, and therefore worldly and temporal in nature. At the end of the day, it is your soul that will suffer because attachment to this phenomenal world invariably leads to detachment from your spiritual goal in life.

But sir,..there one thing for sure; since the day you took over from from Prime Minister Abdullah Bedawi, I am afraid we have less to be proud of –pondering on the mystery of the death of Athantuya, Scophane (submarine can’t dive) and more recent on the cost spend on your daughter’s engagement (using public funds), you wife shopping spree in Australia and not forgetting the famous diamond rings, family members becoming overnight millionaires and build infrastructure and state coffers going disgustingly awry and your weak leadership that can bring you down.

You should be more than a little worried on what is to become of you after the 13th general election– but it seem you’re not. Hence my email is some things that might have passed you by.

However, have no worry, you can continue to focus on your personal priorities to win the election that I’ll not give a damn.

In view of the foregoing, we remain committed to ensuring that our views are heard by the world so that immediate remedy to the sufferings and abuses of the rakyat can be sought, respected and protected, that all men are born equal with the right to self-preservation and the pursuit of happiness.

Please, we do not need your help to sustain our endurance in our uphill struggle to save Malaysia, our land, our heritage and our right to choose our leaders.

I know that you’ll will not be elected in the coming election if you openly tell the people of your constituency the truth about what you’ve done and what you wanted to do and what you really believed.

Thank you for the kind and timely consideration in reading my letter.

We’re looking forward on the coming general election for complete change of our government.

Respectfully submitted,

Burak S. Sem


  1. The rakyats in Malaya will surely vote for Pakatan Rakyat this coming 13th general election;for it has been rightly prophesied by no less than Dr Mahathir himself & Tan Sri Daim Zainuddin himself that only three States are safe for BN.If we look at the prophecy in a different angle,BN will only win one State.As for Sabah,it is destined that BN will 11 state constituencies & 5 parliamentary constituencies.

  2. Yes, UMNO like to fantasize. Malays like to dream big. Just ask Hasan Ali and his "adik", Ibrahim Ali.
