Judging good and evil - the Sarawak problems

By Tama Puyang
MIRI : No matter how you look at both sides of a coin, there’s “head & tail”. No matter how you judge human consciences, it’s either “Good or evil”. There’s no such thing as “half good and half evil” or vice versa.

If you judge what happened at Everly Parkcity Hotel Miri yesterday, how do you judge that? There was Senetor Lihan Jok and Dick Bala initiated a controversy meeting making used of Temengong Pahang, Pastors, Priest to discuss in logistic planning to bless the dam site, where as under the hot sun stood a group of concern protestors holding banners in opposing the dam.

Since we do not determine good or evil, how can we distinguish one from the other? Every person is endowed with what we call a conscience. It is "the most secret centre of man, the sanctuary where he is alone with God and where His voice can be heard." It is the conscience that directs each person to orientate himself towards the good. For this to happen, we need to listen. Furthermore, our conscience must be enlightened and trained in the habit of doing good acts (virtues) and by the inspiration of the Spirit of God received in prayer: "I will put my law within them, and I will write it upon their hearts" (Jeremiah 31:33).

How do we go about in judging Baram Dam whether it’s good or evil, you may ask? Let me tell you….you need to listen to the Holy Spirit who guides us in discerning good and evil in the light of Christ.

First, you must judge the situations in human minds, whether Baram Dam is good or evil, although it is “a gift of God” as claimed by Senetor Lihan Jok. Remember; do not subject your conscience base on Senetor Lihan Jok’s claimed, because he is not god (remember; he was suspended from his teaching post during his teaching days for CBT, for wallop the school funds).

To start with your judgment on “good and evil”; dams are extremely expensive to build and must be built to a very high standard. The high cost of dam construction means that they must operate for many decades to become profitable. 

The flooding of large areas of land means that the natural environment is destroyed. 

People living from in kampong from Long Naah to Lio Mato, from Tap to Long Tebangan that are living on small hills and in the valley to be flooded, must move out without second thoughts. This means that they lose their farms, fruit trees, temuda, “jekau”, cemetaries/liang, and businesses. In Bakun (balui), Pelagus, Bengo and Murum…people are forced to sign papers to surrender their lands, forcibly removed so that hydro-power schemes can go ahead as planned. Worse to that, the developers (people who have interest of the dam, people as Pehin Taib Mahmud and his cronies) will not tell the people the truth on the bad effects of the dam.

They lie to the people the good things people like to hear about the dam, such as to bring developments, provide electricity etc.

As Usat Ajang say, he has been travelling a lot within Asia….so do I being your Tan Seri Datuk Tama Puyang who travelled around the world in to live among the poorest of the poor, the desperate and the people who are cheated by opportunist people as Senator Lihan Jok and Jacob Dungau Sagan. I tasted their miseries and hardship caused by the dams.

Ladies and gentlemen, datuk, datuk dan kapitan, kapitan, let me remind you again…the building of large dams as Pelagus, Bakun, Murum, Baram can cause serious geological damage and destroy mankind. Although modern planning and design of dams is good, in the past old dams have been known to be breached (the dam gives under the weight of water in the lake). This has led to deaths and flooding.

If you may ask….”if the effect of the Baram dam is evil…why do they (Taib Mahmud) build the dam than?”

The answer is simple…do you know which company is the biggest private limited company in Sarawak called “CMS” (Cahaya Mata Sarawak)? CMS is wholly owned by Taib Mahmud’s family members. CMS is wholly licenses in supplying:-

  1. Cements (CMS Cements
  2. Steel bars (construction materials)
  3. Sands (contract through Shing Yang)
  4. Gravels (Batu Kading, Basugai Quarry), although the area is belong to Uma Akeh
  5. Etc….

The supplying of the above are definitely cost billion of ringgits, and Taib Mahmud’s CMS is using state government as his tool to construct the dam. Without reasonable doubt, those of the ministers, YBs or “anjing kurap Senators” who attempts to oppose the dam will definitely taken away their concession from the profits of the dam.

If you may ask again….what are the concessions and profits people as Jacob Dungau Sagan or Lihan Jok are die for? The answer is simple…remember when Lihan Jok say, Baram Dam is “gift of God?” Ofcause, there’s no other thing is so important to these two stupid dogs who willing to drown their own people under the Baram dam for the sake of money. Before the dam area are to be flooded…companies such Winjac Sdn Bhd and Setegap Jitra Sdn Bhd will be first on the ground cutting and clearing all types of trees/timbers started from Long Naah to Lio Mato, from Long Tap to Long Tebangan that will definitely profiting them and their two to three generations with the billions.
Now, let’s go back to CMS again. The reason the state government is constructing 12 hydro-electric dams in Sarawak is to ensure a ‘guaranteed business’ for Cahaya Mata Sarawak (CMS), a company owned by Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud’s family members. There’s no question whether Taib Mahmud is going to be millionaire after the construction of 12 dams because he is already billionaire today. He is putting has most last efforts to channel more monies into his family banking account before he leave us alone and die with our debts.

Do the people in Baram know work of evil is working our mist?

What about those group of protestors holding banners, slogans in protesting the building of Baram dam…what do you think what they are doing? Do you think that they are doing that in promoting the opposition party because they enjoy it in published in the media, or they are promoting Anuar Ibrahim?

My answer to that, I don’t think so…because they are not selfish as Jacob Dungau Sagan claimed. Nobody pay them for what they have done…that’s why they are call NGO (non-governmental organization). They are doing it to safe the people of Baram from destruction because of the dam.

There’s nobody as selfish and evil as Jacob Dungau Sagan, Lihan Jok and Temengong Pahang I have ever known during my several trips around the world. They willing to lie and sell their lives of their own people for the sake of money (private businesses).
Ladies and gentlemen, datuk, datuk dan kapitan, kapitan,
Let me tell you this....I am not anti government or "lawan perintah" as common verse used by Jacob Dungau Sagan, Lihan Jok in covering their arse.
Being my status as Tan Sri Datuk, I'll do anything under the sun to condemn the people who do evil towards the innocent, especially the old kampong folks in the ulu. I leave your consciences to judge wisely who is the Good & who is the evil here????

To my own judgement.......Jacob Dungau Sagan, Lihan Jok and Temengong Pahang Ding are worse of the evil ever live in this universe.

Pray hard with your Faith in God........let no evil live among us...

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