BN leaders urged to take action on Bingkor Lama's road

By: Roger Binson A.S
Road condition in Bingkor Lama.
Keningau: Nearly 500 folks in Bingkor Lama facing difficulties every day when they are forced through severe roads condition that have been damaged since eight months ago. The issue has been brought to the attention of authorities by JKKK Sumit Jood last year but till now no action or decision from the relevant authorities to improve the road conditions. The government's lack of action in this situation eventually raised dissatisfaction among the comunity and may cause their votes in favor of the opposition, especially the Star party which led by Dr Jeffrey Kitingan and SAPP, led by Yong Teck Lee.

According to a resident in this village, Mr. Marius, this problem has cost all the farmers here of their agricultural products since they are mostly stuck in the road whenever they hit a pothole or floods. The absence of drainage along this road worsens the situation during the rain and often causes flooding. "YB Justin Guka should give priority to ease the problem if he still wants the support of the people here" he said. “What happen to the slogan "1Malaysia, Rakyat didahulukan, Pencapaian diutamakan" that often touted by the BN leaders in mainstreams media if they are unable to perform? Its just a useless slogan if they cannot materialize it" said Mr. Marius emotionally during an interview with representatives from Borneo Herald.

By highlighting this situation that has been haunting the folks at Bingkor Lama, the BN Government should take full responsibility for providing basic amenities which is safe to use by the local community.

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