My Anak, Anak, Cucu, Cucu and to all the Ketua Mesarakat

Ladies & Gentlemen..
At 11am after Church yesterday; I and my Rakyat of Long Kavuk had serious discussions on the future of Long Kavuk and the Baram people. The main subject we hands on is “Our Life after The Baram Dam”. Our discussion had drawn us to the disturbing questions, which are stilled vague need serious answers.

Being faithful Christian, we focused our discussion in Jesus where we trust we could gain our inspirations in the Lights of God. 

My anak, anak and cucu cucu, I being the oldest person in the email list, being the Tua Kampung of Long Kavuk for more than 30 years, after the discussion I tell you this from the depth of my heart, I post things because I believe the Lord is telling us of our agonies we going through. The Lord told me to stay steadfastly despite of being manipulated by our own MP (Member of Parliament) and DUN who has abuse their power and Ketau Mesarakat (Temengong Pahang, Pemanca, Penghulu, Tau Kampung) who has been in directly bought by our MP and DUN through the “taukay-taukay”. 

Believe me or not, the causes of our problems we seeing today are caused by our above leaders.   

My anak, anak and cucu cucu, allow me to quote on the Word of God from the Bible; Hebrews 12.2: “Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

God is calling us to fix our hearts, minds and souls to Him in order to understand what are rights and wrongs or to understand what Sinful are. 

My anak, anak and cucu cucu, I am not writing this on behalf of Pastors, Priests or Christian Church Leaders. I am writing this by the inspirations of the Holy Spirit who is calling us to deepen our understanding of The Bible teaching about Christian leadership core values is pertinent and necessary. Values are deeply held beliefs that help guide our MP (Member of Parliament), DUN and Ketua Mesarakat to lead us as Christian leadership in their behavior and decision making.

In the book of Hebrew, Paul expressed Christian leadership core values when collecting money, business/enterprenues or “relief works,”…he (Paul) has also been appointed by the churches to travel with us in this gracious work, which is being administered by us for the glory of the Lord Himself, and to show our readiness, taking precaution that no one should discredit us in our administration of this generous gift; for we have regard for what is honorable, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men” (2 Corinthians 8:19-21ff.).

My anak, anak and cucu cucu, Paul was expressing Christian leadership core values by transparency, integrity and honesty in the handling of money. It guided what he did, and the decisions he made.

Nonetheless, I am not writing this to preach or to convert the non-Christian communities, or writing on the behalf of Pastors, Priests, Bishops or other Christian Church Leaders as I’ve already mentioned.

Let’s examine some sinful teachings made by our MP Dato Jacob Dungau Sagan (I don't mean to judge).

I am sure you have read in Sarawak Report of “Baram’s Dirty Dato’ Has More Fingers In The Pie”, which directly involved him (Jacob Dungau) and his “iron-nail” wife (Winnie Jolly) with their mysterious RM64 million from Dema Tega (Bright & Good/Prosperous) Sdn Bhd. I don’t have to repeat this subject in this email because this report very damaging to this 20 years old MP, good for nothing, except enriching himself and his family members only.  

In one of his (Jacob Dungau’s) last speech in Miri, he told the Ketua Mesarakat of upper Baram……“Baram dam is to bring major developments for the people along the Baram, do not miss this oportunity”,…“I am urging all of you not listen to the “NGOs” and the opposition who are good in making up stories in portraying lies about the BN government”, “look at Bakun dam…..Bakun dam was built by the Opposition, that is the reason why the people of Sungai Asap are poorly located and funded.”

My anak, anak and cucu, cucu… If we have to believe in the wrong notion that blocking and flooding of river(s) will always lead to a massive land catastrophe, then it’s about time to change our misconceptions. Yes, we have seen large piles of floating logs during the Kapit Log Jam” and hastily concluded that the flooding of Bakun are the one to blame for the whammy that has paralyzed, drowned the long houses, NCR lands, cemeteries, etc at Balui (formerly along the Bakun site) were tricked to move to Sungai Asap by Barisan National, Mahathir Mohamad and Taib Mahmud.

My biggest question is,….Why is Dato Jacob Dungau Sagan chooses to build the Baram dam, while knowing it too well that the dam is adequately and systematically drowning his people cultures and traditions and lands under the great lake? Why has he not learned from the disasters by the Pelagus, Bakun and Murum? I am wondering WHY, WHY?

My anak, anak and cucu, cucu….being the Tua Kampung of Long Kavuk for more than 3 decades, I share a common bond with thousands of Sarawakian with the right minds to protest against of building more dams in Sarawak.

Being Tau Kampong with Christian values and the consequences of the dam(s), I had no choice but to stand with heavy heart in revealing what would possibly be one of our worst encounters with government bureaucracy and corruption that rip us apart.

Remember….Let us not wait for another Pelagus, Bakun and Murum  to awaken us from our deep slumber. Remember, protecting our nature is also protecting our future. 

To all my colleagues – Ketau Mesarakat: money or those small token receives from the “taukay-taukay” is not everything in life. I know it too well…our financial burden with our “kacan puteh” monthly salaries in our positions that might result from poor policy of salary scheme by the incumbent State Government eventually put an additional load in our already suffering economy. But being the leaders of our communities, let’s be guided by our faith and truth by Christian teachings as in the Holy Bible. Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Dato Jacob Dungau Sagan or Taib Mahmud or Najib are not god, therefore they are as sinful, liars, evil as any sinful people every lives in this universe.

To all of you, my Anak, Anak, Cucu, Cucu and Ketau Mesarakat.....I would like you to read the attached reports on The Truth Behind the Dams "Tong Tana". This report is made by groups of concern people who scarifies their times to tell the truth before it's too late. People to leave their jobs to save our rivers, our lands, our heritages, cultures, etc.. This is the people who willing to spend their own family saving to save us from catastrophe caused by our Ministers who only value money from our heritage.      

Amai pasinga pade’ jen ya amai (do not get on the truth, truth always hurt).

Salam Hormat dari Orang Asal Sarawak

Tua Kampung
Long Kavuk

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