Activist convinced Dr Jeffrey sincere in his struggle

By Ezra Haganez
Dr. Jeffrey
PENAMPANG : A social and consumerism activist here said the recent action taken by some pioneers of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) from Kepayan to finally leave the party and joined an opposition State Reform Party (STAR) is laudable.

Donny Yapp, 48, said it is a pleasant shock to many yet a historic brave move that signaled the Chinese warming up to Dr Jeffrey's untiring struggle to fight for Sabah state rights and autonomy.

"As a social and consumerism activist that always want the best for Sabahans, I am quite moved by the decision taken by John Ho and his friends in ditching a ruling party they co-founded in 1985. I know it is not easy for founding members like John Ho to leave when he has been with the party for 27 years. It must be for a greater cause that they left and join STAR.

INI KALI LAH! Dr Felix Chong together with STAR
leaders back in February 2012
"Their acts would further vindicate and reinforce the action by another local Chinese leader, Dr Felix Chong, who left DAP to join STAR recently. This development has injected a new stronger spirit within STAR, and especially so to the Chinese community not only in Kepayan but in the whole of Sabah," he said in his statement here on Mar 8, 2012.

Yapp said it is a step forward for all Sabahans to the clarion call from a much-misunderstood fighter like Dr Jeffrey. :Though i am not a member of STAR, it is my prayer that this Party would be able to show the way for Sabahans, regardless of colours and backgrounds, to unite under a common struggle to free us from the clench of a hegemonising outside power," Yapp said.

He further said that Sabahans have seen PBS and UPKO failures to make it happens for Sabah such as in the case of setting up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on the large presence of illegal immigrants and the issuance of MyKads to these people. And enough is enough, he said.

"It is time to give Dr Jeffrey a chance to prove his worth in politics. Give him one term to prove himself, and if he renegade from his struggle, we can always replace him and his team United Borneo Alliance (UBA) in the next poll," he said.

Yapp also said that after watching as a skeptic for a long time, he finally is convinced Dr Jeffrey is sincere and would do his best to safeguard Sabahans rights and their future.

"I am also convinced that unlike other Sabahan politicians, Dr Jeffrey is selfless and is even prepared to sacrifice himself for Sabahans. This same realisation must also have hit John Ho and his friends, and compelled them to join and help Dr Jeffrey in STAR...: he added.


  1. I am Chinese.
    No more SAPP, no more DAP, I am voting for STAR this time.

    1. Walaupun saya kini Sino,, saya tetap juga Cina dlm diri saya dan saya bersetuju ini kali lah kita mahu, kita MSTI brsatu Cina Sabah dan Dusun sokonglah Dr Jeffrey Kitingan sebab dia sudah lebih 20 tahun tidak pandai bosan perkara 20 ini.. Siapa lagi saya mahu tunggu? Saya sokong Parti STAR ini kali tetapi bukanlah untuk diri saya tetapi untuk nak cucu cicit piut saya yang akan mewarisi negeri kita Sabah .. Undio Noh Parti STAR...

    2. Saya setuju apa yang dikatakan oleh aktivis yap , kita bagi chance Dr.jeffrey one term, jika tidak kuasa di tangan rakyat , ubah lagi macam negara jepun.

  2. Kuat juga pengaruh Dr Jeffrey Kitingan ini ah.. boleh convert orang Cina sokong dia sekarang.. Nah apalah SAPP fikir sekarang, dia mati pun mau jadi parti berbilang kaum...Nasib baik SAPP dan STAR bersatu dalam Borneo Alliance, kalau tidak SAPP alamat kosong ..

  3. STAR & SAPP,mesti bekerja sama untuk melawan barisan nasional di Sabah,sekarang dan bila2 masa saja.BN mesti kalah dan parti pembangkang tetap menang.Kita berdoa,DAP & PKR ambil langkah yang bijak dan jangan kacau pengundi di Sabah/Sarawak;kamu concentrate tenaga,kekuatan & masa kamu di MALAYA.Bekerja sama untuk kebaikan rakyat & jangan lah tunjuk pride/arrogance kamu. Kamu pun akan menang SEMBILAN (9) negeri di Malaya.Percaya lah kamu dgn profesy ini.Sapa yang mahu ketawa,ketawa lah kamu,sampai pengsan.

    1. Kuasa di tangan rakyat skarang, pilihlah dengan bijak, jika tidak kita masih dikawal oleh malaya. Mau kentutpun mau tanya malaya dulu ah apa macam oh. Sabah ada hasil bumi yang paling banyak tapi negeri yang paling miskin haiya apa macam oh. Penduduk tempatan makin di pijak pasal ini macam macam PTI macam mana kita punya masa depan. Saya cina santung pun pilih undi star lah. Tapi misti ubah oh, kalau tidak lain kali saya undi DAP saja baru kau tau. Ini kali saja lah mesti ok .
