STAR's Dr Nicholas lashes at UMNO's Youth on Sabah rights

By Gregory Gondua
KENINGAU : Keningau UMNO leader Azman Ruslan's accusation (published in Borneo Post days ago) that State Reform Party (STAR) is playing a blame-game in safeguarding state rights is unbecoming of a Sabahan leader, if one is dignified enough to be called one, said State Reform Party (STAR) dputy chairman for its Sabah chepter, Dr Nicholas James Guntobon.

Dr Guntobon said STAR stands for Sabah state rights and its leaders are proud to admit it. "We don't know what Sabah UMNO stands for as its actions have brought in numerous problems to Sabahans that also has affected the Interior which Azman refused to admit for reasons best known to many," he said in a statement issued here.

He further said: "What is wrong with taking up what the Sabahans wanted from the Federal? STAR reiterates that it wants state autonomy and special rights as enshrined in the 20 Points, Malaysia Agreement and in both the Federal and State Constitutions, respected. There is nothing sensational about it, as PBS and UPKO also wanted the same for Sabah. It is okay if Azman and UMNO do not want state rights. As long as the people want it that is okay with STAR".

Dr Guntobon also questioned Azman's view that Sabah has gained independence for more than 50 years. "It reflect his shallow, arrogant and insensitive manner, for all we know our beloved Sabah only gained independence in 1963 and that is not yet even 50 years. Azman must have been brainwashed by UMNO for believing the UMNO version of Sabah's indepencence period. There is no doubt, Azman is more loyal to UMNO than Sabah," said the medical doctor who operates a clinic in Keningau.

"STAR also wants development for our people but not the UMNO way of giving away projects at inflated costs. STAR will listen to the grassroots as to what they wanted, and we shall engage and involve them on planning the development projects for them, not the UMNO way of bulldozing.

"To say the least, it is unfair to compare STAR to UMNO because we are two very different political parties in term of philosophy and approach. We have our own way of developing Sabah, a better way than UMNO's. Just wait for it.

"Perhaps Azman should read the interesting write-ups on UMNO by former UMNO assemblyman Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz who writes in his blog Sakmongkol and also for Free Malaysia Today," said Dr Guntobon.

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