STAR Committed to UBA and United Opposition

“The recent report of young turks in STAR wishing to go alone is totally false and baseless. STAR Sabah is fully committed to the United Borneo Alliance (UBA) and a united opposition to oust the current Umno/BN Governments” stated Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chairman.

“STAR has also sealed the Semporna Declaration with USNO and their supporters sealing the unity of ethnic Sabahans where candidates from USNO will contest under the USNO banner and USNO supporters will support all STAR candidates throughout Sabah.”

In addition, we will cooperate with all local parties under UBA at all levels to ensure a united local opposition.

STAR also intends to work with the Peninsular opposition to ensure a united coalition in Sabah to take on UMNO/BN.

The unwarranted speculation that STAR will be going alone does not arise at all.

Of utmost importance is for the Sabah opposition to be united in facing and toppling the current state and federal governments which have failed to safeguard Sabah’s rights and autonomy and replace them with “warriors” who will fight for the rights and autonomy of Sabah.


  1. comment sent via email
    The young Turks did not say that they want to go it alone. What they said was that they, subject to the agreement of the party, want it (the party) to go it alone.

    For starters, the young Turks don't think that the opposition in Sabah will ever agree on taking on the BN one-to-one.

    For another, the young Turks are against undemocratic practices like seat-sharing and forming a coalition before polls.

    This is what the BN is doing to circumvent the democratic process by endorsing elite power sharing and denying the people meaningful participation in elections, the democratic process and the democratic experiment.

    It's not the done thing for parties like that in BN, with widely diverging beliefs, to be in an unholy union to politically emasculate the masses.

    The Opposition should not emulate the discredited BN concept.

    If the Opposition wants to be like the BN, what's the difference for the people?

    Elections is not about taking power but about getting a hearing and making a difference for the better. It's about bringing about change and reform including supplementing and complementing the first-past-the-post principle.

    This is the message the young Turks want to bring to the people.

    Hence, the young Turks are all for standing in all 60 state seats in Sabah and 26 parliamentary seats, including Labuan, to let the people decide between the parties, whether in BN or in the Opposition.

    The young Turks will reveal themselves at the right time.

    1. There are no young turks in STAR Sabah.
      Talking to one person does not amount to that person being young or reference to many "turks".
      Cannot reveal names now because there are none.
      Actions of STAR Sabah shows action to secure unity.

  2. I agree with the view from the 1st person above commenting on democracy and options for the people.. While one-=to-one fight sounds good, i think letting the people really make their own choices is a better stand. This is democracy..
