Najib fails to announce the RCI upon pressure from Sabah UMNO

KOTA KINABALU: The much-anticipated announcement on the Federal Cabinet agreement to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate the large presence of illegal foreigners in Sabah and the rampant issuance of Malaysian documents to them, failed to take place in Lahad Datu where visiting Prime Minister Najib Razak was expected to announce Friday.

Instead Najib cancelled his scheduled press conference after a function in Kampung Nala in Tungku near Lahad Datu and went straight to Tawau where his government executive jet is waiting to fly him out to Kuala Lumpur.

Senior journalists who were tipped by Najib's entourage of the possible announcement on RCI were taken aback with the "changed" plan of the PM.

It was believed Najib decided to withhold any announcement on the proposed RCI after he had an unscheduled meeting with Sabah UMNO leaders soon after his meeting with state Barisan Nasional leaders at a top seaside resort here last night.

According to some journalists who were with Najib in Lahad Datu, everybody had expected the RCI announcement in Tungku, Lahad Datu after the premier, who was on a two-day visit to Sabah, did not do so while in Sipitang yesterday.

"Frustration was painted in the faces of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) president Joseph Pairin Kitingan and UPKO senior vice president Dr Ewon Ebin here in Lahad Datu. We do not know if they genuinely did not know (that there is no announcement on RCI) or they already knew last night, but they look a bit gloomy afterwards when the premier left," said one journalist.


  1. Macam mana juga barang Sapi barang Musang ada dlm meeting takutlah Najib sebab Sapi nanti mengamok langgar PM dan Rosmah.. Nah Musang gigit telinga PM tidakkah kes naya nanti...

    Tak begitu ?

    1. Helo Datuk Hassan PAS??

      Habislah Piring berterbangan, kucing si Tompok merajuk minta porujik bilion bilion Petronas, nah untung betul durang kan Datuk PAS yang tak pas 1Malaysia.. Kih kih kih

      Jangan mare

  2. Ketaralah Najib lindungi PATAI di Sabah, mentang2 sama bangsa Bugis walau pelarian dilindungi.. inikan pula seagama bah kan..
    Biarlah Tuhan mengadili atas kerakusan mereka nak islamkan Sabah secara tidak natural..

  3. What can one expect from liars,they always have to lie to cover another lie.I hope that the Almighty God will repay them many times over,for all the evil they have done to sabah during all these many years that sabah has been tricked to partner with malaya.Is it not said that Iblis is a thief & a liar from the beginning? Susah lah.

    1. That is correct sir / mam.. Dont be surprised if something bad happen to all these evil people..Amen
