Kuamut surrendered bundles of NCR evidences to STAR

By Ezra Haganez
LUYANG: The Kuamut State Reform Party (STAR) committee recently handed over to state STAR bundles of evidences of Native Customary Rights (NCR) lands of the Tambanuo community within Kuamut and Sukau constituencies in Kinabatangan area.

A local Tambanuo leader, James Ait, who is also STAR Sabah chapter state committee member presented the documents to STAR Sabah chapter chairman, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan at his office in Damai, Luyang.

"The Tambanuo communities in Kinabatangan are facing an uphill battle on their NCR lands, and so we provide this relevant documents to STAR so as the party may know what to do with them in near future, including on courts action," he said at the simple ceremony witnessed by United Borneo Front (UBF) legal adviser, CK Low.

According to Ait, the struggle to protect NCR lands is paramount in the mind of the leadership of both state STAR and the Kuamut division. They viewed NCR issues in Kinabatangan area as one of the most serious cases in Sabah beside those in Kota Marudu, Pitas and also lower Interior.

The UMNO-led state government has failed to protect our NCR, said Ait denouncing leaders with links to companies that were taking over NCR areas.


  1. Keep up the fight,I am sure the Creator will bless your struggles for the downtrodden.

  2. A day will come when all those greedy land-grabbers taste their own medicines.. It i bitter experience for us the natives here in Kinabatangan.. The State Government allowed the ilegal imigrants o settle anywhere they want , in fact they are given aids by UMNO politicians like Bung Mokhtar.. Takpe satu hari anak cucu kamu juga akan kencing atas kuburan kamu wahai orang UMNO UPKO PBS yang tamah dan bersekongkol antara satu sama lain supaya terus berlkuasa di bumi Sabah nan tercinta ini..
