KDCA slammed for failing to respond to State AG's attack on NCR land

By Peter Marajin
KOTA KINABALU : The Kadazandusun Cultural Association (KDCA) being the custodian of the KDM's rights which include their native lands and the KDM's are all natives, KDCA should be in the forefront in defending these rights. But alas, KDCA is silent.

This could be construed to mean that KDCA and its president Joseph Pairin Kitingan, who is the Huguan Siou of the KDMs, are condoning this barbaric land grabs of the KDM's native customary lands, now this devilish pronouncment of non-existence of NCR lands after 1930 by the highest legal mind of the Government of which Pairin is a party.

State AG Roderick Fernandez is not known to be a publicity stunt, yet he came out in public to spurt a venom to hurt the hundreds of thousands of natives in Sabah especially the KDMs.

One cannot ignore the fact there must be someone behind him which is the Government. And Pairin being the senior leader in the Government and KDCA President is just sitting idly by and watch his fellow native KDMs suffer in silence because of deprivation of their lands rights perpetrated and perpetuated by this diabolic Government.

The KDMs' heart bled for some defense from KDCA but it deserted them at a crucial moment. Any statement after this from KDCA on this issue could be read as not sincere anymore as it is now under pressure to do so.

Whatever it is, it shows what kind of leadership we have now in KDCA. I hope the KDMs people have opened their eyes and would take charge of their future from now on.


  1. KDCA sudh jadi bisu.. apa tidak presidennya Pairin juga, yang adlahg Timblan Musa yg juga presien PBS tukang selamat dan angkat UMNO di Sabah... Tumbangkan Pairin tumbangkan PBS aalah tumbangkan UMNO

  2. toothless pairin because getting old already maa.. gigi tanggal sudah..lol

  3. Luguan Talou bo e pairin,mantad,mantad po.Onu ka ginama dioti do montok momogun?Iri no noponu o Sabah do tulun silam mantad indonesia om mantad polipin.

    1. harap harap Pairin kalah di Tambunan dan Parlimen Keningau kali ini..sbg pengajaran kpd pemimpin KDM yg lain..Begitu juga dgn Dompok Bumburing Kurup dan smua dusun dlm UMNO terutama sekali...
