Don’t Be Childish, Don’t Throw Stones In Own Glasshouse

By Dr Felix Chong
Some DAP Sabah leaders need to stop acting like a spoilt brat and think and act maturely. It is also unadvisable to throw stones in your own glass house.

A local DAP Sabah official appears to want to pick a quarrel, wash dirty linen in public and belittle Sarawakians and the Penans.

I do not intend to stoop to such low levels and embarrass him further added Dr. Felix.

The situation in Sarawak is not the same in Sabah and DAP Sabah will regret if it thinks so. The thinking of the Chinese in Sarawak may not necessary be the same in Sabah.

The situation of STAR in Sabah and Sarawak are very different. Enough said.

What is of utmost importance is not STAR Sabah but its key objective of championing the cause of Sabah and Sabahans. This is what STAR Sabah is doing.

The rights and interests and autonomy of Sabah need to be restored and STAR Sabah’s struggle is right. Regrettably, DAP Sabah fails to meet this expectation.

Before DAP thinks of Malaysian Malaysia for Sabah, DAP must treat Sabahans as fellow Malaysians and as equals.

If DAP Sabah leaders and supporters are patriotic Sabahans, they should be able to see the righteousness of STAR Sabah’s cause for Sabah rights and autonomy and support STAR Sabah’s cause for Sabah and  Sabahans.


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