There are three major races in Malaysia. They are the Malay, Chinese and Indian. The Malay has the political power and so they set up the party UMNO which literally means “U Must Not Object”.

While the Chinese controlled the economy and they called their party MCA which means “Money Conquered All”.

Lastly, the Indian who has no say in politic or economics, set up their party called MIC. Hence, every parliamentary meeting the Indians would ask: “Must I Come?”


  1. If The Sarawak CM thinks his family has more rights than the 3 million people in Sarawak, and that he can stay on another day, he should think again! Democracy is: Of the people, for the people, by the people. One versus few million people for 31 years.

    Foreigners like G. Soros estimated Taib & family have stolen (directly & indirectly) some RM$8 billion from Sarawak in 31 years. For the benefits of rural Natives not uses to large numbers:
    RM8 billions = RM8,000 million = RM8,000,000,000.00

    1. This particular CM, if this allegation is true and i tend to beleive it is true, is a gone case. He would not repent even if someone from Hell comes out and tell him that it is no use keep on chasing billions when our neigbors are hungry..

  2. If anyone thinks the corruption in UMNO, BN & Sarawak is not a serious crime……The wealth of Mubarak and his family was estimated to be US$40 billion to US$70 billion. Gaddafi’s family fortune is now estimated to be US$100 billion or more. That put them ahead of Bill Gates. Now you can imagine how much has been stolen from Malaysia too. Tolerate no longer. Move and act now.

  3. RM400 million a day of black money disappeared from Malaysia! Based on the reported RM150 billion/year that vanished. According to the Washington-based financial watchdog Global Financial Integrity (GFI), in 2009 alone RM 150 billion (US$47 billion) in illicit money was illegally siphoned out of Malaysia. The latest GFI report, by economists Sarah Freitas and Dev Kar, who is a former senior economist at the International Monetary Fund, stressed that these illicit outflows are basically illicit transfers of the proceeds of bribery, theft, kickbacks and tax evasion." In other words, it refers to corruption money or black money that is obtained illegally…… ENOUGH OF TAIB, ENOUGH OF UMNO, NOT ANOTHER DAY!

    1. My God ! RM150 billion "black money" was siphoned out frm malaysia in 2009 alone !!? Are we crazy? to allow UMNO continue pillaging the state coffers?

  4. The sudden surge in the exposures of Umno/BN wrong doing is the will of God, at a time close to the general election. It's God's way of telling the government that enough is enough. The exposures can no longer be kept out of public notice. The final word to Umno/BN – Change or be changed.
    Many of them deserve nothing less than confiscation of their ill-gotten gains and imprisonment

  5. The only way to put a closure to all these madness by UMNO-MCA-MIC-PBS-Gerakan-PBB-UPko etc is to a put to closure these parties ...

  6. The UMNO needs more and bigger money to run their machinaries - MIC & MIC (opssh), and MCA and etc, thus they will use ONLY MONEY POWER to hold on to their dear 'money life'. No worry everyone... hold on to your stations, situation survives on 'LOVE on your neighbours' not money.
