UPKO insincere – “Table Motion Or Shut Up UPKO”

By Edward Linggu
“UPKO is insincere and merely “cakap kosong” because of the forthcoming General Elections when its Secretary-General, Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau, said that Sabah and Sarawak should get 34% of the Parliamentary seats” said Edward Linggu, UBF Campaign Director.

Edward added that “UPKO is merely repeating UBF’s Borneo Agenda for political mileage to gain voters support. If UPKO is sincere and means what is says, UPKO should through its three Members of Parliament led by its President, Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, table a motion in Parliament to get the Elections Commission to allocate at least 35% of the MPs for Sabah and Sarawak.”

“If UPKO MPs do not table the motion, it should just shut up and stop embarrassing itself further” further added Edward.

UPKO and other BN component parties are now merely saying things in support of the Borneo Agenda advocated by UBF and its founder, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, since a year ago because it “suddenly” realizes that what have been advocated by UBF is right for Sabah and Sabahans.

Edward reminded all BN leaders that what is advocated by UBF in the Borneo Agenda are not demands for additional rights but merely seeking to restore whatever rights that are rightfully Sabah’s and Sarawak’s when the Borneo States agreed to form Malaysia in 1963 and what has been wrongfully taken away from Sabah.

Edward further added that the Federal Government collects about RM16 billion to RM18 billion a year in federal taxes and levies from Sabah. Petronas gets about RM15 billion a year from oil and gas resources while leaving a measly RM0.77 billion for Sabah.

UBF is only seeking, amongst its 7 core objectives, a fairer and more equitable distribution of revenue with the Federal Government. Under Article 11 of the 20-Points Memorandum, Sabah is supposed to have control of its own finance, development funds and tariffs. Notwithstanding Article 11, UBF is more than reasonable in seeking a fairer and more equitable revenue sharing formula. Even Indonesia gives 70% of the oil revenue back to Acheh, who incidentally, is governed as an autonomous province within the Republic of Indonesia.

“What are Sabah’s rights and entitlements should be restored to Sabah” said Edward. UPKO should not just stop at 35% of Parliamentary seats. The Cobbold Commission recommended that the number of future seats for the Borneo States should take into consideration the “size and potentialities” of the Borneo States. For easy reference, West Malaysia is 130,495 sq.km., Sabah 73,620 sq.km. and Sarawak 124,449 sq.km. and Sabah and Sarawak produce more than 60% of Malaysia’s oil and gas output and palm oil production.

While UPKO is at it, it should also ask the Federal Government for more senatorships. Currently, Sabah has 2 senatorships while West Malaysia gets 24 and even Labuan gets 1 senatorship while the Federal Government gets to nominate 40 senators. The Cobbold Commission recommended that the Sabah and Sarawak should get 8 senators and since Singapore has left, the allocation for Singapore should go to Sabah and Sarawak as well. For the Federal nominated senators, Sabah and Sarawak should get at least half of the 40.

Well, what say you UPKO? The ball is in your court.

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