It Should Be At Least 35 %


IN ORDER FOR Sabah and Sarawak to have a share in the law-making decision of parliament, the two states must have at least 35 percent of the parliamentary seats in Malaysia, not 34 percent as demanded by UPKO.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of the United Borneo Front (UBF) said this in response to the statement on the issue by Datuk Madius Tangau, the Secretary General of UPKO.

“We have made statements on this issue about six months ago as one of the key points being put forward by UBF to strengthen the Borneo Agenda,” Jeffrey said. “I am glad that the UPKO and the PBS are now joining the chorus of demands for our rights towards a more equitable share of decision making powers of the Borneo states.”

“However, it must be noted that the correct percentage should be at least 35 percent because at 34 percent, the peninsular would already have 66 percent which would be a two-third majority,” he added.

“Also, we should note that total share of seats agreed in the Malaysia Agreement included those held by Singapore. When Singapore was separated, the seats allocated for Singapore were all taken by the Peninsular.”

1 comment:

  1. You are 100% correct Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan. I truly support your right to demand from the Government of Malaysia the 35% seat allocation before the GE 13 comes. Sabah must have a strong representation in the PARLIAMENT next year. I for one, wish to see the people of Sabah prosper. Sabah has for many years been deprived best standard of living because of uneven distribution of economic opportunity. The very poor people in the remote areas should be given the basic necessities such as water, electricity, food, communucations and education. I request all opposition political parties in Sabah to join hands and champion for real DEMOCRACY for the people of Sabah.

    Fight to get back at least 50% oil royalty from the current ruling government. Not what they are giving now. It's peanut money. What is the 50% oil royalty from Petronas. They are making billions annually and are paying billions of taxes to the ruling government. Where all those money goes? The people of Sabah deserved to best in all areas of the economic sector.Use this money to developed more economic activity in Sabah like build more roads, colleges, universities, hospital and encouraged entrepreneurship at all levels. Then the state will surely grow.
