MCLM Statement on latest ISA arrests by police

MCLM takes umbrage to the arrest of thirteen religious teachers and Islamic activists who were arrested in Tawau under the Internal Security Act (ISA) by a team of police officers from federal police headquarters Bukit Aman.

Together with other concerned citizens and NGOs, MCLM condemns this outrageous move and demands that the police release these detainees to uphold Najib's pledge on Malaysia Day to do away with draconian laws including the ISA, Banishment Act 1959 and the Restricted Residence Act 1933.

That this arrest happened barely two months after the announcement undermines the credibility of his pledge. If Najib is truly sincere about his pledge to ensure “a modern, mature and functioning democracy", he would have immediately called for their release upon learning about these arrests.

MCLM is also very outraged that these detainees were arrested by fully armed police personnel nabbed the 'suspects' in front of their wives and children. MCLM is very concerned about the emotional and mental impact of such high-handed arrests as the police were heavily armed and rough. They also seized several laptops and cash.
The arrests were carried out without warrants, notice or any prior information.
MCLM views with concern that those arrested were all PAS members or supporters, including respected religious teachers in the Tawau district.

Are the police carrying out religious profiling by carrying out such arrests?
MCLM demands the immediate release of these detainees without conditions or for them to be charged in court.

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