Utusan Must Apology To All Christian

UTUSAN'S allegation was then featured on the front page of Utusan Malaysia on May 7. Another blog ‘Marahku’ also carried the allegation, reporting a plan to make Christianity the official religion of Malaysia and for a Christian to be Prime Minister.

Tim Hii, DAP Sabah ApiApi Branch Assistant secretary, has called for Utusan license to be revoked as its allegations against Christians, have caused severe defamations to Christian Malaysians' good image.

Utusan had dropped a bomb, which could potentially jeopardize the peace and harmony we Malaysians have long enjoyed regardless of races and religions. Tim elaborated.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has confirmed at Parliament that such allegations were baseless and untruthful.

Tim Hii who is also DAPSY KK urged the Home Ministry to revoke Utusan Malaysia’s printing licence and called on the editors of the paper to issue an unconditional apology.

Peace has since been disrupted, sentiments were flying high and low. Damages have been done. Tim demanded the Home Ministry to take immediate action to protect the peace and harmony of Malaysia.

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