The US have Area 51, we have Kod Negara 71

This is BN's secret weapon for GE.
JPN has a long list of nation code listed in their website. With such a darn detailed list, why JPN is using kod 71 to grant citizenship with people whose place of origin is unknown?
By Lee Wee Tak
The revelations for the past few weeks have been alarming. After Mismah gate, there is “aqua ICs” discovery by YB Anthony Loke and now even official Bangladeshi website is revealing the assault of citizen’s right and democracy in Malaysia.

Mismah's PR card, with kod negara "71"
                                                  Mismah's IC with Kod Negara 71

"Aqua IC" where army husband's IC (ending with odd number) is recycled to register the wife as a postal voter hence the wife can vote as ordinary and postal voter.

One aspect of the intrigue is the nation code “71”.  According to this excellent write up, tens of thousands of voters in Penang are carrying IC bearing the nation code “71”, indicating that they are born in overseas and the JPN are not able to trace their country of origin. If this happens in Penang, I am quite sure other states would be plague with this as well…Selangor perhaps?
GEORGETOWN - Seramai 13,114 pengundi yang didaftarkan di Pulau Pinang didapati pemegang mykad yang mempunyai kod bernombor 71 yang mana Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara sendiri tidak dapat mengesan negara asal mereka.
Setiausaha Dewan Pemuda Pas negeri, Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden berkata, berdasarkan sistem dalaman yang diproses dari daftar pemilih yang diberikan Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) milik parti itu mendapati, ada jumlah pengundi yang ‘tidak kena’ dalam senarai berkenaan.
Kod 71 tiada dalam senarai JPN dan berdasarkan kod yang diberikan JPN, nombor 71 tiada di dalam senarai jabatan itu. Terkini iaitu dari April hingga Jun 2011, seramai 166 pengundi di daftarkan memegang kad pengenalan bernombor kod 71 menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan ialah 13,114 orang.
“Jumlah ini tidak boleh dikesan oleh JPN serta SPR dari mana mereka datang, negara asal mereka. Apa yang kita bimbang, kemungkinan besar ini usaha-usaha pihak tertentu untuk jatuhkan Kerajaan Negeri Pakatan Rakyat (PR) Pulau Pinang serta memanipulasi pilihan raya dengan memasukkan warga asing ke dalam senarai pengundi,” katanya.
Menurutnya, apa yang membimbangkan Pas, seperti yang didedahkan JPN sebelum ini, seramai 72,334 warga asing yang memohon untuk menjadi warganegara Malaysia yang mana daripada jumlah itu, Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein telah meluluskan 29,290 permohonan.
Incidentally, Mismah’s IC is the ubiquitous but until now, unexposed “71”.
JPN has a long list of nation code listed in their website. I have did a count last week and list is a long and detailed one, allocating numbers to many nations which Malaysians would struggle to locate on an atlas, for example: Antigua & Barbuda (93), New Caledonia (83), Grenada (90) and Trinidad and Tobago (90).
With such a darn detailed list, why JPN is using kod 71 to grant citizenship with people whose place of origin is unknown? Is it purely laziness on the part of JPN officers, or is Kod Negara 71 is a "very special" category by itself?

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