Stop the contradicting statements

KOTA KINABALU, September 5, 2011: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) CLC Api Api Women Chief Priscilla Chong urges Junz Wong not to issue any statement which may not be representing the stand of DAP because his statement that Malaysia is 48 years old and not 54 years old is contradicting his party Secretary General Lim Guan Eng's statement.

"Everyone knows that Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman is mistaken to talk of Merdeka 54 years. As we all know, Musa as an Umno man, must follow the Umno stand that Malaysia is 54 years old.

"SAPP hopes Junz Wong will not only criticize Sabah Umno Chairman Datuk Musa Aman but also will be honest and criticize his own party leaders for also copying the Umno stand to call this year Merdeka 54 years.

"DAP Secretary-General and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's Merdeka message this year also mentioned National Day 54 years. Last year, Lim also said 53 years.

"In Sabah, especially Kota Kinabalu, we see party PAS banners proclaiming Merdeka 54 years. So, Sabah DAP assistant secretary should be honest and consistent to criticize his own DAP leaders and party PAS for ignoring Malaysian true history by misusing the year as 54 years of Merdeka instead of 48 years.

"On September 16 issue, people still remember sadly that on 1st September 2008 in response to Anwar Ibrahim to make September 16 a public holiday in the 5 Pakatan states, Penang CM and DAP Secretary General promised that September 16 in 2009 will definitely be a public holiday. But the promise was not fulfilled to the great disappointment of the people and Anwar.

"Pakatan lost this excellent chance to prove that it is different from UMNO-BN. But too late because in 2010, the Prime Minister made September 16 a national holiday day. DAP must now apologize to the people of Sabah and Sarawak for giving false hopes and for misleading the people on September 16.

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