Natives Harrased Over Proposed Agropolitan Project In Kota Belud ?

Pic shows Antonis (second from right) listening to
lawyer Marajin who in this pic seen taking notes of
his complain in Pandasan yesterday.
KOTA BELUD: A local community leader from Pandasan, Kota Belud, alleged he was harassed and pressured by five government officials at the district office for his inquiring into the proposed Federal-funded agropolitan project earmarked to make Kota Belud a main food producer.

Antonis Angkup, 35, from Kampung Bubuk Bungaliu in Pandasan near here, claimed he was called by the district office last month when he and others objected to the proposed project that "encroached" to their kampung reserve as well as some areas where they have applied under NCR.

"I was called and they pressured me with a lot of strong words that i must not object to the agropolitan project because it is a huge project by the government," he told local lawyer Peter Marajin who was in his kampung yesterday for a SAPP roadshow.

Angkup, who is a JKKK deputy chairman, said he was not afraid to stand for his and the people's rights but he was uncomfortable as the five officers were bent to pressure him not to speak up his mind or convey the kampung people's view.

Marajin said he would definitely look into the new case of government forcing its will against its own people who yearn for more
information and participation in decision-making in the billion dollar project.

"Participation by the rakyat is a tenet in democracy. Why these civil servants going overboard to convince the simple-minded kampung folks is amusing. Are they all suddenly expert on agropolitan proposal that they must not listen to the people?

""Or are they under strict order from politicians that no dissenting voice on the proposed agropolitan project is acceptable to them? In our eagerness to bring development to the rural areas, we must also take into consideration the natives, the peoples' view in the areas affected. It is not juts developing the land, it is about human development," said the Marajin who is SAPP Supreme Council.

The agropolitan project for Kota Belud involve opening of lands and re-planning development of thousands hectares of state lands for agriculture, especially rice, and where companies with links are slowly being brought into the picture.

Another big issue on proposed agriculture development in the district now is the Tambatuon Dam which was ironically proposed to be sited at one of the very beautiful and highly populated places in Kota Belud.

It has drawn the attention of both state and national political leaders and is set to be defended by the government after it relented on the now cancelled coal-powered electricity plant in Sinakut, Lahad Datu.

1 comment:

  1. Ini agropolitan bagus tap[i cara mereka laksana main kasar dan tiada perancangan yang bagus yang melibatkan rakyat. Tampat tu YB YB buang duit rakyat saja ini.. Ceh
