Najib’s Downfall – Thanks to the First Lady

Three members of EO6 were the guests of honours at the forum organized by Balakong Pakatan Rakyat, last Friday. Comrade Saraswathy, Letchumanan and Sugumaran took turn to thank the people of Balakong for their contribution and support in the EO6 campaign.  All 3 speakers echoed that taking over Putra Jaya is possible, not because it’s close to Balakong but because the people – the rakyat no longer fear the UMNO oppressors.  The comrades declared their full support for Pakatan Rakyat to take over the reign from Barisan Nasional.

Other speakers who were present were Comrade Arutchelvan (the Secretary General of Party Socialist Malaysia), Comrade Tan Boon Wah (MPKj councilor), Dato Teng Chang Kim (State Assembly Speaker) and Comrade Badrul (Chairperson of Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia).

Badrul Hisham or famously known as Che’gu Bad received huge applause from the audience during his speech. He gave a very good perspective on how the UMNO government is maneuvering and belittling the rakyat’s intelligence. The double standard of the government for not taking any action against the UMNO youths who blaze the Star Newspaper in front of the Star office for an error in publishing Bak Kut Teh restaurant for Muslims to break fasting. Everyday, their newspapers are harping on race and religious issues from accusing a charity group of trying to convert 12 Muslims at a donor’s dinner in Petaling Jaya to condemning the Penang Fatwa council on their orders not to use loud speakers during prayers in mix ethnic neighborhoods.

He also lashed at UMNO’s language skills when they ridicule PAS for letting an Indian women, Ambiga to lead them when on the other hand, the national badminton champion and leading football coach are Chinese and Indian respectively. Does that mean UMNO is their ‘slave’? Najib’s 1-Malaysia was mocked too – it is no where close to BERSIH.2 rally which saw the true spirit of One Malaysia.

Najib is a clever politician but he is trapped, he says, Because of Rosmah – the split image of Imelda Marcos who is known for her extravagance and led to the downfall of her husband, Ferdinand Marcos, 1986 who ruled Philippine using martial laws for almost 10 years. Rosmah’s 24 million diamond ring was like a gastric in our belly and it turns into ulcer when we hear her other leisure pursuit with millions of rakyat’s money to preserve her First Lady status.

Meanwhile comrade Arul in his speech also mentioned that F.Marcos won election with 65% vote and Mubarak of Egypt also won election with 70% vote but both were thrown away by the people. Even if the government fails to ensure free and fair election, people’s power ultimately determines who controls the government.

Finally, YB Teng took the stage to impart Pakatan government’s transparent administration which had preserve 50% more wealth than what BN government had within 3 years in power. A lot more can be done if the opportunity is granted.

Change is definite.

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