18-year old Malaysian girl at exclusive private college gang-raped

(Daily Mail) - Four wealthy Russians who used an iPhone to film themselves gang-raping a student at an exclusive private college were facing jail today.

The group had been in Britain for just two weeks when they carried out the horrific two-and-a-half hour attack on the Malaysian teenager at the £30,000-per-year college.

The Russians, aged between 19 and 23, gave a sickening running commentary - and even filmed themselves boasting about what they were going to do to her the day before.

The prosecution fear that she may have had her drinks spiked as she was too drunk to consent.

Oleg Ivanov, 23, Norayr Davtyan, 22, Armen Simonyan, 19, and 23-year-old Gregory Melnikov all denied rape but were unanimously convicted by a jury at Woolwich Crown Court today.

Davtyan described the girl as a 'machine' and in the witness box referred to her as a 'sl**'.

The court heard that Ivanov expressed 'pity' for the victim, when they noticed she was crying but was talked out of it by his friend Norayr Davtyan, 22.

Peter Clement, prosecuting, said: 'Various members of the gang of four watched each other, encouraged each other, and gave a running commentary as to what they had done and what they were going to do to their fellow student.

'They referred to merely in the abstract as "her" or "she" and in the course of the incident one of the four even has to ask another "What's her name?''

International water polo player Davtyan was holding a party at his dorm at the exclusive college in South London on January 21 this year which the girl attended.

She had a shot of whiskey at the party before going to a disco at the school.

Although there is no concrete evidence her drink was spiked she felt 'funny, dizzy and peculiar' and was clearly intoxicated before going back to the party and vomiting then falling asleep.

The next time she awoke a man was having sex with her but she was unable to move, the jury heard.

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