Sarawak 49 years with Malaysia

By Burak S. Sem

KUCHING: Here we go again, another year celebrating our Independence Day, 31st August for the forty-ninth times! There are many things that we can be thankful for in the Sarawak! Yes, we in Sarawak know how to smile in the midst of adversities and misfortunes.

Yes, I believed we are used to it! We have grown resilient to the natural disasters caused by our own elected politicians. And of course, with our political termites all over eating away at our national coffers, we continue to breathe easy! WHAT?!! Hold on brothers and sisters, my fellow Malaysian citizens.!!!

We Sarawakian continue to breathe easy even if we know of corrupt politicians, thieves and their cronies in our neighborhood stealing rights under our noses! As years gone by, we have grown accustomed to these man-made disasters….graft, corruption and manipulation.

This, my dear brothers and sisters, is the single biggest reason why our nation continues to be in this mediocre state! We as people and nation have not learned how to make our elected politicians accountable. And when any community or nation allows its leaders to do as they please, that community and nation is going to remain in that same mediocre state forever.

1. Our ‘men’ in Parliament and DUN continue to do many things what they are suppose not to do other than what would feed the people in Malaysia/Sarawak. They would rather build these useless 12 mega dams and robbing NCR lands for oil palms in order to fulfill their pockets and overseas bank account rather than help in developing our country.

2. Our men in Parliament and DUN spend more times wrangling over where to give “Minor Rural Project” and who to benefit from the “E-kasih” than what would bring employment to the people. More than two thirds of these ‘men’ in the Parliament and DUN are doing nothing to help their constituencies except busy creating businesses and win contracts for themselves under their spouse names.

3. Our men in Parliament and DUN spend more times, busy carrying the “balls” of the Prime Minister and Chief Minister or revealing lies in the media other than focus on what would bring foreign investment into the nation, fairly distribution of jobs and business opportunities to the citizen regardless of races and color. Look at China, today China grew to be the number two richest nation on our planet earth in just a little over 29 years. And that is from foreign investors pouring in investment money into their economy. China grew from Mo Tze Tung’s Culture Revolution to Capitalism in the late 90s. Those politicians who practiced corruptions are dragged to jail on live sentence. Name me a few of our ‘men’ in Parliament and DUN who are focused on this challenge during the 49 years after Sarawak joined Malaysia?

What about among our Dayak ministers we have been expecting to bring developments to Sarawak in the same standard as West Malaysia, or Singapore, or China? What about Alfred Jabu Ak Numpang, is he the man? What about James Masing, William Mawan or Sylvester Entri? What about our men in the Parliament, those Dayak ministers as Douglas Uggah Embas or Jacob Dungau Sagan?

I can bet with you with my live, there’s none.

There’s absolutely none among our Dayak ministers dare to touch on that “The Old Goat father Taib Mahmud’s” financial vacuum machine must have been extremely extensive and efficient. Our minister chooses to remain silent, no gut.  As an article in the one of Sarawak blogsite of provides in-depth details into what is alleged to be the 10 known incomes stream of the “Old Goat father Taib Mahmud”. These include:

1.       Income from timber licenses

2.      Surcharge on timber exports

3.      Kickbacks from timber shipping companies

4.      Agency and other fees levied on shipping companies

5.      Privatization of government companies

6.      Illegal logging receipts

7.      Federal government contracts

8.     Alienation of state land to plantations

9.      State contracts

Above are just a few of what our leaders (lead by the old goat father) are wasting our state coffers on. The Federal are arresting and condemning citizens who stand for justice, condemning citizens who want fairness in “SPR”. Instead our ‘men’ in Parliament and DUN continue to get busy on non-relevant issues, stirring religious issues, stirring racial issues that will eventually bring this country down. And we continue to leave them alone to spread their lies. Come elections we re-elect the same old losers because we are indebted to them, they are our friends, relatives, neighbors, same race. They are former/retired government officers, 2 stars hotel mangers, stationary salesman etc. Or we simply took their bribe money during elections.

And….we do not care about their past performances. Neither do we care about perceived or potential performance. And the result? Same old thieves fill up the Parliament and DUN.

Brothers and sisters, ladies & gentlemen; to arrive at successful results, do not repeat the same old practices that lead to failure. Easier said than done? Yes, that is why we remain as mediocre as we are as a nation. It crystal clear that we rakyat/citizens are not protected by our “men” in Parliament and DUN.

Prior to Merdeka day on August 31st, let’s all come together to Kuching on August 13 with MOCs to pursue our cause.  To call for the “Old-Goat-Father Taib Mahmud” to step down.

Wake up Sarawak..!!

Lift up your radiant brow,
This day, Youth of my native strand !
Your abounding talents show
Resplendently and grand,
Fair-land Sarawak my hope my Motherland !

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