Rakyat should now stand up for their Constitutional Monarch too

When DYMM SPB YDP Agung had granted an audience for the leadership team representing Bersih 2.0, certain quarters had the audacity to even question the Constitutional Monarch's wisdom in granting Bersih 2.0 an audience. And there is not even a whisper of disapproval from the UMNO supremacists’ leaders on such an insulting and seditious remark.

By J. D. Lovrenciear

It is unbelievable how brazenly the UMNO house politicians are twisting and turning the situation each passing hour to further rile the rakyat and certainly pushing the Bersih 2.0 supporters into a tight corner.

It is even more shocking that even when DYMM SPB YDP Agung had granted an audience for the leadership team representing Bersih 2.0, certain quarters had the audacity to even question the Constitutional Monarch's wisdom in granting Bersih 2.0 an audience. And there is not even a whisper of disapproval from the UMNO supremacists’ leaders on such an insulting and seditious remark.

Not only are the rakyat being arrested and their business premises raided, but the yellow-T continues to remain illegal.

And now not only the booking of venue is made almost impossible but it coincides with all kinds of police insinuations and threats and intimidation and massive road blocks to inconvenient and frustrate the public.

Something is seriously wrong in Malaysia. Should other countries emulate such dirty and dangerous tactics the world will become highly explosive. Now the US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton needs to re-appraise this deteriorating situation as she only recently asked the world to emulate Malaysia.

Maybe the rakyat will now have to also make a resolute decision to stand up for their King and stop all these dirty bullying of King and subjects. Politicians and political parties need to respect the Constitution and the Constitutional Monarch.

Perhaps then the time has actually come for all Malaysians to return to Caesar what belongs to Caesar i.e. to return the rights, honor and privileges of the monarch that was craftily reduced and changed by the UMNO barons.

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