Press Release: Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS) on 13th July, 2011.

MoCS will hold a ‘Rally for democracy and reforms in Sarawak’ on Saturday, August 13 in Kuching.

The movement’s leaders who met in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday have decided to tone down the event – originally planned as an anti-Taib rally - to ‘A walk for democracy and reforms’.

MoCS will dutifully apply for a police permit for the event. We assure the police that it will be a peaceful rally and we will heed any reasonable advice/demands from them. We will extend our fullest cooperation to all law enforcement agencies in the state capital to ensure no untoward incidents on that day.

The event will be from 2-5pm. We hope to gather either at Padang Merdeka or Kuching Waterfront and then walk to either Reservoir Park or Museum Grounds where we will hold the rally. By 5pm, everyone should disperse. This is our commitment to the police.

This rally is a compromised version of the original street protests in forcing long-serving Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud to step down.

In our sincere efforts to adopt a non-confrontational approach, we invite all patriotic citizens, even leaders and supporters of the government, to join us in demanding urgent changes and reforms in the governance of Sarawak for the betterment of our beloved home state and people.  

For too long, the state has been trapped in a quagmire of widespread corruption and the politics of fear and intimidation. We wish to educate all Sarawakians that politicians whom they elected to public office should be there to serve them and not vice-versa. The people are the masters, not those who govern.

When those who govern do wrong by abusing their power, it is the people’s duty and responsibility to vote them out. While we must be patriotic to our country and loyal to our government, it is also patriotism and loyalty to get rid of bad leaders and bad governments.

MoCS also supports Bersih’s simple message to the government – give us free and fair elections, true democracy and a better future for our children.

The movement will issue a 10-point declaration at the rally on August 13.

MoCS stresses that the rally is solely a citizen’s initiative with no political affiliation or involvement. Nonetheless, we welcome all concerned citizens, whether they are apolitical or politicians, to participate in the rally.

MoCS will not be campaigning for support from any established groups for the rally. We prefer spontaneous and voluntary support from all who care and love their state and nation and who earnestly want to help bring about genuine reforms.

MoCS is also encouraging those who are unable to come to Kuching and those living in other parts of the state and country and even overseas to organise similar walks in solidarity with their fellow citizens and friends in Kuching.

The Aug 13 event will be a RED rally. All participants are encouraged to come in red – the theme colour of MoCS.

Francis Paul Siah

Leader, MoCS

13th July, 2011

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