Peter Marajin's reply to Herbert’s outburst on 17.07.2011

Press Statement by
Mr Peter Marajin
SAPP Supreme Council Member
Kota Kinabalu, July 18, 2011

Responding to Datuk Herbert Lagadan's statement yesterday, herewith is my response to it:

On YB Herbert's insistence that the Tambatuon Dam be built:

Has he actually seen the Working Papers or experts’ Report on the proposed project? Have the affected people in Tambatuon been given the opportunity to read and study the Report. Have the YB and the Authorities or the Interested Parties who proposed the project held dialogues with the affected people in Tambatuon about the project so as to give the people the opportunity to voice out their opinions, doubts and apprehensions (if any) and for the Authorities to clear the air?

If the answer is No, then YB Datuk Herbert Lagadan is merely parroting the Authorities or the Interested Parties to force this project down the throats of the people in Tambatuon which is morally abhorrent in a modern society.  He admitted (BP 14.07.2011) that the State Cabinet has not even discussed the matter, and that “the state government is in no hurry to make any decision whether it wants to continue with the project or otherwise”. Then why must this particular YB attempt to force the project to the Tambatuon people even before any decision having being made? Is he jumping the gun here? And for that he is seen as more interested to help the contractors (whoever they may be) who would eventually be awarded with the project to immensely profit financially from it rather than in helping the people.

On his contention that KB people (including my kampung) need water:

I am not at all disputing that water is the basic need of the people including water for padi planting, but the pertinent question is: why must the people of Kg. Tambatuon be sacrificed for the sake of the so-called ‘development’? We must not forget that the people had been there since time immemorial. Now with that ‘dam’ thing, they will have to give up their ancestral lands, their buried dead, plants, trees, the scenic village and their livelihood. What ever happened to the slogan “People First”?

The promise of RM500,000.00 a year for the people of Tambatuon is too good to be true. And where is the Report or the Agreement or the Cabinet Paper to back that up? It only came out of the YB’s mouth for the first on 14.07.2011. Has the Government made this assurance through him? If yes, give us the proof!  We had been promised ‘anything’ under the sky since 1963 but what have we got for trusting so much on those promises? Answer: We are the POOREST region in the country. Even this YB had been promising water supply for Kg. Kelawat since the 2004 general election with an allocation of RM1 million having been approved but nothing came out of it till today.

I have been saying all this while that development projects for the people are of paramount important. And if the YB and the government feel that the dam is one of them for the whole of KB, then they must find a more suitable place like a river coming from other hills and mountain (Tombuyukan for example) where less human beings are adversely affected except of course the founa and flora there which are lesser mortals than the “People First”.

On his personal attacks on me that:

(a)   “I am ignorant because I am in Kota Kinabalu most of the time”-

Working and having a house in KK does not make you ignorant. YB Datuk Herbert too is having an office as well as a house in KK. Does that mean he too is ignorant of what is going on in Kota Belud? Why do you think I know the comments of the farmers in Kg. Kesapang, Kota Belud and took the picture of the canal myself if I do not go back to Kota Belud? He is being too pathetic here. Let me ask him how many kampungs in KB had he visited for the last one year? And most importantly how many times has he visited Kg. Tambatuon since he announced the proposed dam to be located in that kampong? Let the people of Kg. Tambatuon be the judge on this one.

(b)   “I have miserably administered KDCA Kota Belud”-

This is a serious allegation. He insinuates that I mismanaged the KDCA Kota Belud when I was the Coordinating Committee Chairman to the point of losing the KDCA shop lot. Has the shop lot actually been lost because of my mismanagement? Please YB Datuk Herbert prove your allegation with solid evidences or else my lawyer will consult you soon with a suit for defamation. And what has this administration of KDCA Kota Belud anything to do with the issue of Tambatuon dam which is the original issue of discussion here between him and me in the media? It shows he is too childish!

(c)    “that I do not have the right to comment about Pairin”

Every single Sabahan has the right to say something about our political leaders, Pairin inclusive with no exception. Why must not I comment on Pairin? If in my opinion that he is a changed man, then what is wrong with it? It is only my opinion. And I am very much entitled to it!

Proposal: Dialogue/Debate with the Tambatuon people

If the YB is too passionate about the dam, I would propose that he should hold a heart to heart dialogue with the Kg. Tambatuon people in their kampung.  Or if he wishes, even to debate with them so that both parties will emerge satisfied because their inner feelings are let out. Both parties will ultimately be benefited.  

Or if he is not prepared to face the rakyat of Tambatuon, then come debate with me at the agreed date, time and venue on the same subject. Or even on the issues he raised in media/paper on 17.07.2011 (Borneo Post).

Peter Marajin
Hp: 013-8889988

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