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PBS ‘hires’ YB Gobala to gun down PKR

KOTA BELUD: Umno’s strongest ally in Sabah, Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) has found a new recruit in former PKR senior leader N Gobalakrishnan.

The Padang Serai MP from Kedah was a surprise “guest of honour” at the Kadamaian PBS annual general meeting (AGM) here last week where he was “specially” invited to enlighten PBS delegates and members on Anwar Ibrahim and PKR.

He spoke alongside PBS secretary-general Henrynus Amin, who officiated the AGM and the divisional head, Herbert Timbon Lagadan.

Both men were drumming up support for PBS and trying hard to woo back former members who left for PKR or DAP.

A number of PBS delegates told FMT that PBS was worried about PKR, and that Gobalakrishnan was recruited to attack Anwar at PBS rallies and hopefully thwart any challenge by PKR in PBS-held seats.

Gobalakrishnan, who left PKR to become an independent MP this year, talked for almost an hour at the AGM.

Piling on a barrage of accusation, Gobalakrishnan likened Anwar to Ravana, a Hindu god with ten heads.

He also accused Anwar of ‘changing colours’.

“Remember it was Anwar who brought down PBS…Sabahans should not trust Anwar as he would say one thing and do another.

“He even promised things to Dr Jeffrey Kitingan (former PKR vice president) but in the end he reneged,” he added.

Gobalakrishnan also spoke about various issues which he said he had presented in Parliament (where he was protected under Parliament privilege) which he claimed Anwar was afraid to answer or give explanations.

Among them are accusations of money-laundering in the billions while Anwar was finance minister and the alleged mismanagement of Selangor reserve.

He said when Pakatan Rakyat took over the Selangor administration from BN, there was a reserve of about RM2 bilion but now the reserve was only about RM400 million.

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