Najib gets a terse reminder from a 70 year-old Sabahan activist

By Ezra Haganez 
KOTA KINABALU: A 70-year-old local political activist, Fredoline Edwin Lojingki from Penampang near here, has a tersely-worded reminder to Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Saying he was following closely the drama in Kuala Lumpur last week, he could not fail but feeling amused and angered at the same time at how Najib reads and comments the Bersih rally last Saturday.

"I listened amused to various UMNO leaders including Najib's comments on the peaceful Bersih rally. Especially on the point where they accused Bersih organisers of causing shop and business operators to loose some business last Saturday," he said adding it was a very unfair accusations and simplification of facts.

In a statement here, Lojingki, a partyless political activist, claimed the Bersih participants were peaceful and not unruly. "They never attempted to close shops in Kuala Lumpur or disturb their businesses. In fact the Bersih people could have been a good customers to restaurants and others. Sales could have been increased as they need to buy drinks and foods for their 8 km walks".

"Najib and UMNO people must ask themselves who were the one who closed the roads and divert traffic on that day? Wasn't it the police? under the instruction of Hishammuddin Hussein the Home Minister? Why was the King's advise not taken seriously?

"Why blocked the roads if you are to allow the rally in a stadium as you promised Ambiga and the world? Of course you broke your promise, this is very dirty tactic indeed and you showed the very inner of yourself -- manipulating and exploiting. By doing so, Najib you incur the wrath of the people, including an old man like me," said Lojingki who is known to some of the influential people in both the political divide in Sabah.

"Najib also must ask himself who closed the LRT and public transport in KL that day? It was not the Bersih rally, it was you ! You denied transport operators of businesses that day ! You denied thousands of tourists of a good transports that day ! All in a desperate act to thwart the Bersih rally. Of course you failed, and you must ponder on it," he said exposing his dissapointment at Najib's way of handling things.

The veteran also used the word recalcitrant to describe UMNO. He said recalcitrant UMNO must do some deep soul-searching on what were causing tens of thousands of Malaysians wanting to join in a Bersih rally like last Saturday.

"There must be a very good reasons for it. You know it Najib, your UMNO and its political cultures were the main causes why Bersih was well-attended and participated, even though there were no free foods provided and no rock stars around as usually done in your rally.

"And who was trying to disturb a peaceful rally? Wasn't it UMNO-linked Perkasa and Patriot? Why allow another rally to provoke a prior-organised Bersih rally, this is dirty tactic, and i don't like to see what is happening in my country," he pointed out.

"Take it from me, a 70 year-old activist from Sabah that the ruling party is now going against its very own people. No amount of rethorics like you did last night could earn back trust of the people, especially when you displayed untrustworthiness in making promise to provide for a stadium for the rally. Dirty tactics such as this stinks to heaven.

"Sabahans are reading the situations cautiously, especially on your dilly-dallying in setting up a royal commission of inquiry on the perennial problem of illegal immigrants in Sabah. Must Sabahans organise a rally, and only then you promise us something? only to break it later?," the veteran added challenging directly at his Prime Minister.


  1. Saya cukup bangga ada veteran seperti Lojingki berani tegur PM Najib. Tahniah gundohing Fred of Borneo Heritage Foundation.

  2. My hat off to this old activist from Penampang..

    You really read well Najib .. Kick him out from Sabah then.
