MoCS: Come as fellow citizens, not politicians

KUCHING – The Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS) has reiterated that its ‘Walk for Democracy and Reforms’ on August 13 in Kuching is solely a civil society’s initiative and no political parties are involved.

“We have not and we will not solicit the support of political parties for the event. MoCS is strictly a non-political entity and we do not wish to be accused of being aligned to certain political groups. That must be made clear,” MoCS leader Francis Paul Siah stressed today.

“However, we invite all, including politicians, to participate at the event as fellow citizens, fellow Sarawakians and Malaysians but not as representatives of this or that party,” he said.

Siah pointed out that he has to make this stand of MoCS clear because certain quarters, possibly in their attempt to derail the Aug 13 ‘Red-shirts’ event, has branded the movement as an ally of the opposition.

‘We Love Sarawak’

“MoCS is no ally of any political party. We are on the side of good men and women who aspire for and share our vision of good governance and urgent reforms for our home state. That was the basis for the establishment of MoCS a year ago and we have not and will not steer away from our original aims and objectives,” he said.

According to the MoCS leader, the theme of the Aug 13 walk is ‘We Love Sarawak’.

“We walk on Aug 13 because we love Sarawak. We want political reforms for a better Sarawak. We want a more caring, more compassionate leadership for the state,” he added.

On the route for the event, Siah said that it is only a short 20-minute walk from the Kuching Waterfront or Padang Merdeka to the Museum Grounds and Reservoir Park.

Wreath-laying ceremony

Participants can assemble at Padang Merdeka or the Waterfront at 2pm. Along the route, participants will sing patriotic songs including the state and national anthems.

The focal point of the assembly will be at the Cenotaph at the Museum Grounds. There, MoCS leaders will lay a wreath to honour those who had fought and died for Sarawak.

“The people of Sarawak must never forget the sacrifices of their heroes. These are people who gave their lives for Sarawak’s liberty and freedom. They deserved to be honoured and remembered,” Siah said.

This will be followed by prayers conducted by Muslims, Christians and others. It will be a celebration of the multi-religious façade of Sarawak.

On Aug 13 at 5pm, MoCS will urge religious organisations in Sarawak to conduct prayer sessions in their respective places of worship and pray simultaneously for democracy, reforms and good governance for Sarawak.

10-point declaration

Before the assembly ends at 5pm, a 10-point declaration will be read out, one of which is in support of Bersih 2.0’s demands for free and fair elections.

Siah urged the police to issue a permit for the walk as it will be a peaceful, solemn event.

“There is no necessity to utilize tear-gas or water cannons at peace-loving civilians. Kuching has never seen any act of public violence and the police should not be wasting public funds on deploying extra men and equipment.

“Just be around to ensure security and order. We welcome the police to join us for the walk too,” Siah said.

He also pointed out that traffic would not be a problem as the route in that part of Kuching City proper is almost deserted on Saturday afternoons.

“By 5pm, we will ask everyone to disperse. That is our assurance to the police,” Siah added.

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