DUN Speaker Asfia Nassar - Our next prime target for future prosecution. All world media refer to corruption as theft!

By Alan Newman
Speaker Asfia Nassar - Our next prime target for future prosecution.

You are a glaring supporter of corrupt & criminal CM of Sarwawk. The way a ‘bersih,’ democratic, uncorrupt Kiwi sees it, you are a criminal too.

A supporter of the plundering a state and its people’s wealth and well-being,  is tantamount to treason.

All world media refer to corruption as theft!
Soeharto,…stole as much as US$35 billion from his impoverished country during his three decades in power…. Marcos, whose wife's 3000-piece shoe collection became a byword for the corrupt excesses of his regime…embezzled an estimated US$10 billion during his 20 years in power.

Asfia, you are old enough to know, corruption is theft on big scale and is a monstrous crime. That’s why people like the Romanian President Ceaușescu was executed in 1989. Obviously you do it for personal gains without the slightest duty and conscience for your people. Shame on you. God’s nemesis on you... soon.

We call for zero tolerance for all your antics:
Blocking questions from Opposition in DUN sittings.
Tampering with the PA system to silence opposition’s voices.
We call for all theses to be recorded, date, time, crime committed. 
As long as we are alive we’ll see to it that you are brought to justice.


  1. The world now pushes for the arrest of Taib.
    Best to corner PM Najib to the wall now! M’sia decays to African human rights levels.

    Soros on Taib: “Look at the Sarawak Chief Minister selling billions worth of timber concessions under the table; selling every piece of state land to businessmen without tender; using his own companies to obtain lucrative government contracts; … 'you pay I approve'. He has 8 billion US stashed overseas.” “In China people have been shot for embezzling one thousand dollars. With 8 billion you have stolen, therefore you would be shot 80 thousand times.”

    Putrajaya only had 6,008 voters but Opposition-held Kapar had a staggering 112,224 voters, 17 times more than Putrajaya. Gerrymandering & deceit, not democracy!

    Hamed Sepawie, bet your bank transfers & shredding machines are working round the clock now.

    DUN Speaker Asfia Nassar, let’s see you continue your criminal antics & sabotage Opposition on the the PA system. Awang Tengah, Len Talip, Masing, you are doomed, for the worst to come. Stephen Rundi & Idris Buang! Where are you hiding? Come & repeat those idotic remarks you made.

    All these clowns, cowboys & cronies, even the heads of Police… mark them now. We want them arrested too.

    Let’s pray for the innocent & ill-treated peoples of Sarawak.

    Alan Newman, NZ.

  2. The world now pushes for the arrest of Taib.
    Best to corner PM Najib to the wall now! M’sia decays to African human rights levels.

    Soros on Taib: “Look at the Sarawak Chief Minister selling billions worth of timber concessions under the table; selling every piece of state land to businessmen without tender; using his own companies to obtain lucrative government contracts; … 'you pay I approve'. He has 8 billion US stashed overseas.” “In China people have been shot for embezzling one thousand dollars. With 8 billion you have stolen, therefore you would be shot 80 thousand times.”

    Putrajaya only had 6,008 voters but Opposition-held Kapar had a staggering 112,224 voters, 17 times more than Putrajaya. Gerrymandering & deceit, not democracy!

    Hamed Sepawie, bet your bank transfers & shredding machines are working round the clock now.

    DUN Speaker Asfia Nassar, let’s see you continue your criminal antics & sabotage Opposition on the the PA system. Awang Tengah, Len Talip, Masing, you are doomed, for the worst to come. Stephen Rundi & Idris Buang! Where are you hiding? Come & repeat those idotic remarks you made.

    All these clowns, cowboys & cronies, even the heads of Police… mark them now. We want them arrested too.

    Let’s pray for the innocent & ill-treated peoples of Sarawak.

    Alan Newman, NZ.
