DAP Sabah acting like Umno

SAPP is shocked that DAP turned its gun to attack SAPP on the Bersih signboard issue, doing the work for UMNO.

On the Bersih campaign in Sabah. Sabah DAP is talking like UMNO who claimed that people must “obey the law” and “not to challenge the laws”. This is the same type of flimsy arguments that UMNO ministers Hishammudin, Rais Yatim and even Perkasa”s Ibrahim Ali used against the brave Bersih activists.

Does it not look like Sabah DAP asking PAS’s Mat Sabu, PKR’s Anwar Ibrahim, Bersih’s Ambiga Sreenavasan, MCLM’s Haris Ibrahim  and the tens of thousands of brave people in KL “not challenge the law” and not march to Stadium Merdeka?

What has DAP Sabah got against the SAPP signboard? Does the signboard contain any obscene words? Does the structure pose any danger to the public, block traffic or infringe on any other rights? Where is the urgency that required the signboard to be removed immediately? To the extent of engaging the service of BOMBA.

DAP Sabah is so supportive of DBKK’s action, is DAP Sabah also asking for the thousands of advertisement signboards, and advertising  banners without permit in Kota Kinabalu to be removed by DBKK immediately, without giving notice?

The fact is that the BN political leaders are panicky- that they even abused their powers to use DBKK and other government agencies to harass SAPP on the yellow signboard containing the word “BERSIH”.  DBKK officers pointed out that their instructions were only to remove the yellow signboard containing the word “Bersih”.  Why is Sabah DAP behaved like BN be upset with the word “Bersih”? Why did DAP not support the Bersih campaign? Is this an act of goodwill to the BN and to the Prime Minister?

Sabah DAP should not be anti-SAPP for the sake of anti-SAPP. The people of Sabah want to see a straight fight against BN.

Sabah DAP should recognize who the real enemy is, the BN. DAP should see the bigger picture and not repeatedly kill the possibility of co-operation with SAPP. At the insistence of Sabah DAP leader Jimmy Wong Su Pin, SAPP formed a negotiation team. But some DAP leaders, like Dr. Hiew King Chiew seems to be not happy.

DAP Sabah should not be obsessed with attacking SAPP, not to continue to betray the opposition cause like in Batu Sapi when Hiew and other DAP leaders colluded with the UMNO attacked only SAPP instead of UMNO or BN; sabotaging the friendly pact between PKR and SAPP. This arrogance have been bloated ever since the April Sarawak state elections, when DAP got their two parties system of Chinese opposition and Malay government, and 416 Taib Mahmud victory.

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