Unduk Ngadau 2011: Here are the winners!

The judges has spoken... quickly after I post my favorites to win this year.

How do I get the winners result? Well Facebook of course! Few of my friends posted status update on the winners. Fellow blogger Mr. Stevie of kauluanexpress.com got the special photographer access, do have a visit on his website for the latest updates.

Lets move on, here are the winners of this year state level Unduk Ngadau contest... Oh, please note that the pic shown below was not taken from the crowning ceremony. I put the pic to showcase and introduce the winners, I'm pretty sure the crowning ceremony pic will be popping out on the internet soon.
Unduk Ngadau 2011 Winner - Bo Tiza Arthur S. Disimon from Penampang district.
pic source: pahaikan.com

And the runner-ups...

Top (from left):
1st Runner Up - Jovenea Jim Lajim (Tamparuli),
2nd Runner Up - Caroline Anthony (Tuaran),
3rd Runner Up - Sophie Angela Kutam (Ranau).
Below (from left):
4th Place - Rachel M. Alliun (Kota Kinabalu),
5th Place - Alvera Raymond Kisil (Sandakan),
6th Place - Adeline Joyce Masidah (Likas)
pic source: ladymariah


The night before the final round (30th May), 3 ladies won the Sodop Unduk Ngadau Subsidiary titles, Bo Tiza Arthur S. Disimon (Penampang) gets Miss Natural Beauty, Shirly Arichat Enggoh (Kuala Penyu) gets Miss Friendly and Gurjit Gonsilau (Putatan) gets Miss Pink. Shirly has also also won Miss Popular DiGi title.
From left: Crystal Eve (2010 Unduk Ngadau Winner), Bo Tiza, Shirly and Gurjit.

The Unduk Ngadau 2010 winner is also a beauty, just love her smile and her complextion.

Crystal Eve Huminodun William Majimbon
Some of my friends on Facebook had already guessed that Bo Tiza will win this year Unduk Ngadau. I haven't seen her with my own eyes, but as an idiom sounds, "There is more than meets the eye", I guess there is more to her than just her beauty alone.

more photos for the winner...

photos credited Milleniumimage.com
Related story:
Finalist Unduuk Ngadau


  1. congrats to Bo tiza. she deserved it!

  2. Uiii bini sa ni

  3. thanks for using my pix. pls link to my blog tx ;-)
    bo tiza is sooo pretty kan...

  4. I personally think the Ranau is the cutest. Tamparuli is the preetiest. Apa buli buat...saya bukan judge. Heheh

  5. sama ja tu... hemmmm

  6. ndak..mana ada sama..sya rasa the unduk ngadau of Ranau is more suitable to win the contest,,:-)

  7. hahahahaa...semua pn santik2 bah klu sumandak sabah..hehehe

  8. Alawa noh kopio
    Congrats Bo Tiza!

  9. I think the Ranau & the Likas are the prettiest.
