Taib: I have no secret bank account in Switzerland

By Ang Ngan Toh

Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud has categorically denied allegations by the Bruno Manser Fund (BMF) that he has a bank account in Switzerland.

The long-serving chief minister made the denial in a personal statement in the state legislative assembly after Question Time this morning.

“Let me state categorically that I have no secret Swiss bank account, nor assets or investments of any description. None whatsoever.
“Indeed, I have so stated in an unequivocal term in a letter addressed last month to the president of the Swiss Federation.

“In my letter, I have specifically asked the president to confirm that she has allegedly ordered any investigation into the allegations by the BMF to the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (Finma) or to furnish me with a copy of the application so that I can exercise my right to seek and obtain legal redress.

NONE“I also pledge to render my fullest cooperation to the Swiss Federation to swiftly bring the truth to light so as to nail down all malicious falsehoods.

“Let me reiterate here that the allegations by BMF are false, evidently politically motivated,” Taib (right) said.

He said the BMF has a track record of making scurrilous and scandalous allegations against the Sarawak government for many years.

These include claims about “the cutting down of 90 percent of our rainforests, although local and international forestry experts have certified that 70 percent of our forests are still being sustainably managed”.

“Therefore, BMF’s false allegations that I have assets in Switzerland is a continuation of its malicious efforts to smear the state government, the state and the leaders,” he said.

A disreputable website

Taib said his attention has recently been drawn to allegations online in a “disreputable website” that claims the Swiss authority may investigate him and the nature and sources of assets belonging to him located in Switzerland.

“The allegations by BMF have since been used by local politicians to advance their own political agenda against me and the state government that I lead, once again with a strong mandate from the people during the last state election.

“As head of the state government and a member of the legislature, in keeping with the parliamentary practice and tradition, I am accountable to this august House.

“Therefore, it is only proper and right for me to make a personal statement to this August house in accordance of Standing Order 22 on the allegations by BMF, a foreign NGO not at all accountable to the people of Sarawak,” he added. -

1 comment:

  1. Ofcourse it is not a secret account Taib !
