PKR Supports Dr Yee On Broadband Issue

By Tian ChuaVice President of PKR
KUALA LUMPUR: PKR supports the position Dr Yee Moh Chai, Sabah's Minister of IT and Resources Development, took in compelling the ruling Barisan Nasional Federal Government to increase boadband penetration in Sabah.
We in PKR had long recognised the need of Sabah and Sarawak internet users, and that it is unfair to willfully leave them behind while broadband penetration in the Peninsular is targetted to reach 75%.

The call by Dr Yee was timely and we hope the Federal Minister concerned, Rais Yatim, would this time be honourable enough to keep his words to increase broadband peneration in the state to at least 50% by end of this year.

Pakatan Rakyat has shown that a concerted and sincere effort made it possible to increase internet accesibility just has our government has proven in Penang. Broadband penetration is just one way where we could extend internet services to more citizens.

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