Salleh defends MoCS, slams Taib’s bootlicker Karim

KUCHING – A day after Abdul Karim Hamzah, chief political secretary to Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud, blasted the Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS) for threatening mass protests to oust Taib, Karim got an earful from Taib’s cousin, Salleh Jafaruddin.

Salleh reminded Karim that it was Taib who put his late father, Abdul Rahman Hamzah, in jail under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

“I am ashamed to see how Karim could stoop so low by doing dirty work for the chief minister who once blatantly disgraced his own beloved father by putting him under ISA for a year,” he said here today.

“A political leader who has courage, moral values and religious principles will never stoop to that level because of purely economic benefit and political convenience at the expense of family dignity and status,” Salleh said.

“Only members of society who suffered from “special downs syndrome hereditary acquired” behave in that irresponsible way. I hope he is spared from the influence of Taib’s bomohs. Only leeches and termites behave that way. These species have no function for the owner or the host except to be a destroyer. They cannot lead because they are not responsible.

“My advice to this wayward son of my late good friend is this: Karim, before you open your mouth to condemn others and MoCS leader Francis Siah, please do not be a mere parrot for this semi-insane leader whom you are now serving otherwise the influence of his insanity may put you in the same shoes where your late father landed. Your late father was a man of principle while you are very different,” added Salleh.

Yesterday, Karim told a local daily Borneo Post that MoCS and Siah were ‘security threats’ and urged the police to investigate the grassroots movement and its leader.

In response, Siah described Karim as a well known bootlicker and sycophant of Taib Mahmud whose only job as the chief minister’s political secretary was apple-polishing.

“And Karim gets paid from taxpayers’ money just for singing songs which Taib likes to hear,” Siah had said.

Salleh also said that “while I appreciate your concern (Karim’s) for the overall security of the state, we are also equally worried over the massive abuse of political power employed by State BN leaders to plunder and squander the state’s assets in billions of ringgit over the last 30 years.

“I believe that you, Karim, is one of the recent recipients of these loots whereby you were enjoying the financial shares of the land deals which you jointly owned together with the former PBB assemblyman for  Semera.

“In return for your call to the police to investigate, I am also calling on the MACC, the Income Tax Department to immediately conduct an investigation as to how the land deal which Tabong Haji brought from both of you came about. I also request Inland Revenue Department to  find out whether the personal income tax was paid by both of you as the amount is substantial. It is easily more than RM10 million,” Salleh said.

So who is the real soldier of fortune here, he asked Karim.

In his tirade against MoCS and Siah yesterday, Karim has described the MoCS leader as a ‘soldier of fortune’ and a ‘loner’ and that the people should not listen to him.

“As far as I know Francis Siah, he is not a politician but a journalist by profession. He can work anywhere with his alert mind, writing skill and a computer. He does not need politics to survive, unlike Karim Hamzah who is dependent on Taib for his survival,” said Salleh.

“As for him being a ‘loner’, let me tell the likes of Karim that Siah had travelled throughout the country to promote MoCS and its agenda for change for Sarawak. He is well received everywhere he goes and MoCS is gaining momentum among Sarawakians throughout the country.

“I was with Francis Siah in Kota Kinabalu last week and we met many Sarawakians in Sabah as well as prominent personalities in the state. We are encouraging the setting up of the Movement for Change, Sabah and the idea is well received by our friends in Sabah,” Salleh revealed.

“Siah is not alone in MoCS. I and my supporters are with him and we will pursue MoCS's greater agenda for our state and people.

"To Taib and his bunch of shady characters like Karim, let me warn them that their days of plundering the state and blatant abuse of power are numbered. Sooner of later, they will have to face the wrath of the people,” added Salleh.

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