Proham Press statement on Restoring National Confidence in Federal Scholarship Scheme

By Simon Sipaun

Proham deeply regrets the recurrence of the confusion and misunderstanding surrounding the awarding of the JPA scholarships. We note that similar complaints of neglect, favoritism, denial have occurred in previous years. This has become an annual recurrence of public discontentment in the way selection is made.

Proham recognizes that this unhappiness and public outcry is not only seriously damaging the image of the Federal agency and credibility of the Federal government but most of all instilling a deep sense of alienation in the minds and hearts of young people and their families. Public perception indicates erosion of ethnic relations and violations of human rights

Proham calls on the Prime Minister and the Federal government to institute a string of measures which will restore public confidence. Proham recommends the following:-

That the Prime Minister & Federal Government:-

Establishes an independent panel to review all scholarships currently issued by government agencies including JPA, government-linked companies especially where public funds are allocated and to establish a just and fair selection and review process

Seriously review the sending of fully sponsored students for undergraduate studies oversea.
There are currently 20 public universities and over 20 good private and foreign universities in Malaysia. Every effort must be made to restore full confidence in our Malaysian institutions of higher learning as the first choice. Federal government could explore post graduate options in certain fields where our research universities might not have the specified fields.

Establish a Federal independent panel to oversee all Federal funded scholarships. This panel could comprise educational professionals and prominent Malaysians representing all the various communities and sections of Malaysian society. The objective here is to instill public confidence in the selection process and that no young person or family should feel that they have been discriminated or victimised. The current mechanism and the recurring public outcry have revealed a loss of confidence in the said agency.

Provide a full public disclosure of all selected candidates selected including the institutions they are sent too and the scholarship amounts allocated.

Federal scholarship scheme must become a proud occasion for all Malaysian, to celebrate that the best, brightest and deserving Malaysians have acquired it. The mechanism and process of selection must be professional, just and fair, transparent and accountable with the view of promoting national unity and greater commitment to nation building.

Issued by Tan Sri Simon Sipaun, Chairman, Proham (May 27, 2011) mobile 019 880 2222

1 comment:

  1. The bulk of Mlaysian students studying overseas are Malays... Cilaka dorang makan semua duit Sabah dan Sarawak.. Pigi study pun fasal Islam untuk apa? Utk sebar Islam saja kah? Tak malu punya Melayu !
