Najib's own rag-tag coup d'etat army?...RELA swelled to 2,042,215 members.

 Now everything falls into line:

 1. Millions of ringgit spent on unaccounted for arms, amunitions etc

 2. UMNO youth going for military training with RELA

 3. Najib's stating to the effect that if BN doesn't win (the next GE) nobody will and more recently: Malaysia will not be like Egypt.

 4. The hugely expanded staff in PM's department (43,000 +) make quite a sizeable voter base as well as in "influencing" voters when the time comes.

 Is democracy in Malaysia on the demise? In a democratic state, the government listens and fear the people. In Boleh Land, the people are made to fear the government.

 Those living in Selangor State, they should be made aware of the contents of this article.

 The making of Rela into Najib's own rag-tag coup d'etat army? Written by Mariam Mokhtar, Malaysia Chronicle

 It has been reported that if Prime minister Najib Abdul Razak, does not ‘get his way’ and if he feels that Pakatan is not going to yield to pressure, he will use Rela to do the dirty work for him. He will co-ordinate Rela phantom voters or even stage street protests to trigger emergency rule.

 Rela (Ikatan Relawan Rakyat Malaysia) is an acronym for the Malay words for People’s Volunteer Corps. It was formed on January 11, 1971 under Emergency Act 1964. In April 2009, Rela had 556,286 members. By December 2010, it had swelled to 2,042,215. In a country with a population of 27 million, the Rela membership is deeply worrying. If there were 13 people in a room, 1 might be a Rela member.

 This membership surpasses the total number of Malaysia’s military and police. Rela’s members are mostly untrained volunteers and its leaders are armed and have the right to enter a home or search a person on the street without a warrant. Its major task now is to contain the influx of illegal immigrants.

 The original aim of Rela was to provide a platform for the masses to be part of a volunteer force to preserve and maintain peace and security in the aftermath of the racial riots of May 13, 1969.

 However, BN has hijacked Rela to ensure the survival of BN. In 2005, the Emergency Act was amended, for this very purpose. Rela members are known for their violence, extortion, theft and illegal detention. They often fail to honour legitimate documentation and may destroy documents in order to justify their actions. Some volunteers are as young as 16. An official count, which was featured in a foreign newspaper, said that its uniformed volunteers carried out 30 to 40 raids a night.

 Rela’s director-general, Zaidon Asmuni, dismissed the concerns of human rights groups, saying the nation’s security was at stake, and used this as a convenient excuse for its aggressive defense.

 Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said Rela played a significant role in helping the Government keep peace and safety of the nation. He said, “Rela members who worked in ‘hot spot’ areas would have had the experience to curb crime rates in non-hot spot areas.” Hishammuddin said Rela was the foundation for the launch of a programme known as “1Platun, 1Kampung, 1Taman” whereby every village and housing area would have a team that was trained to ensure the safety of the place.

 Meanwhile, Rela has been pushing for a separate law to govern its operations. Home Affairs Ministry parliamentary secretary Abdul Rahman Ibrahim said Rela would then function as a department with greater authority.

 Of late it has been reported that huge numbers of Rela recruits were transferred to Selangor. The electoral rolls have already been fixed and these Rela 'volunteers' will go in to bump-up the numbers of voters.

 Pakatan is hugely popular in Selangor and it is widely believed that Pakatan will win again. Pakatan’s popularity is not acceptable to the BN government and is all the provocation that is needed for Rela to instigate outbreaks of violence with rioting and civil unrest. This will be the moment Najib has been waiting for. He will move in and with one fell swoop declare

 Emergency rule and take control of Selangor under the auspices of the Federal government. Job done…..except……. Rela is Najib’s rag-tag army which is poorly trained and led. Its director-general, Zaidon Asmuni, has admitted as much.

 He said Rela was expanding so fast that it was impossible to train most of the volunteers or to carry out background checks before deputizing them to make arrests.

 “We cannot train half a million just like that,” he said. “It’s an ongoing process. It will take time, 5 or 10 years.”

 Other problems are the mobilisation and deployment of Rela and keeping them in operational readiness. However, there are many important factors in the people’s favour.

 We live in an internet age of instant communication and news of developments in Malaysia spreads quickly. We are now more united in wanting to be rid of corrupt unjust governments, despite our different backgrounds.

 Moreover, international pressure could be applied to halt any violence.

 We are also forewarned about the potential threat posed by Najib and his rag-tag army. We are also linked to the outside world and with enough Malaysians abroad to keep watch on any atrocities happening in Malaysia, Najib might be forced to abandon his use of Rela to do his dirty work.

 He would, if he could. But we won’t let him.

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