Project IC: Anwar has a case to answer

Anwar was not only DPM at the time, he was also Umno's head of operations in 1992 to 1994 to topple PBS. Can he really claim to be ignorant?'

'Anwar not involved in Project IC'

ONG: Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim may not be directly involved in the Project IC in Sabah. But don't forget that he was deputy prime minister from 1993 to 1998. I find it hard to believe that as DPM, he did not know about such a huge project. Huge in every sense of the word.

Is former PBS supreme council member Dr Chong Eng Leong giving some kind of hint when he said that the question as to "whether Anwar was involved in the issue of ICs to non-citizens in Sabah" should be posed to Anwar himself?

But I guess that if asked that question, Anwar would be evasive, the same way he has been evasive on many other questions on his past conduct while in Umno.

Cannon: Anwar was not only DPM at the time, he was also Umno's head of operations in 1992 to 1994 to topple PBS using phantom votes. Can he really claim to be ignorant of such a massive Umno political exercise? Anwar has a case to answer.

Isa@1penyu: Khalid Jaafar, please let there be only one liar in PKR, and the golden boot for lying goes to none other than Anwar. As deputy prime minister, he does Umno work, while the prime minister runs the government.

Anwar was involved to the maximum and we all know it. Enough of lying - he should just say he regretted it, that would be easier to believe.

Anonymous_1d56: If Anwar was not involved as DPM, was he a sleeping DPM? Or a powerless or ignorant one?

M'siaKiniFan: Anwar, we demand your answer. We think you knew about the Project IC. You were the DPM in 2005, and 600,000 foreigners became instant citizens in order to vote for Umno. That is really sickening and totally unacceptable to us true Malaysians.

Chew Keng Cheow: Anwar may or may not have been involved, along with many other ills, when he was in Umno. That was then and this is now. Pakatan Rakyat has vowed to right this wrong and prevent any such conspiracy.

'Project IC' whistleblower: Pakatan states at risk

Swipenter: Who are the ones selling the country for political power and control? It is as clear as broad daylight that the Umno-led government, starting from Dr Mahathir Mohamad, started to sell the country big time to the "right kind" of foreigners under his vision of achieving a majority Muslim-Malay population as fast as possible.

Once that target has been achieved, they will leverage on their numerical superiority to further enhance their political agenda. But these plotters can never control all the variables in the equation.

Malaysians of Malay origin are now rebelling against this insidious plot and the recent immigrants are not that obedient. In their haste to achieve numerical superiority, they sacrifice quality for quantity like most things here, while local born-and-bred quality people are leaving the country at the same time because of social injustice. How ironical and paradoxical.

Ablastine: Treason it is, because if this continues, Malaysia will be very soon flooded with foreigners and become practically invaded by outside force without even firing a shot. Umno can very well negotiate with countries like Indonesia to send in perhaps about five million Indonesians to get ICs, on condition that they vote Umno.

Lim Chong Leong: Siapa penderhaka? Siapa pendatang? Siapa menjemput pendatang jadi warganegara? Biro Tata Negara (BTN), tolong jawab. Ahli Umno termasuk pendatang. Pendatang pun bukan pendatang sah tetapi pendatang haram!

20121221Disaster: If this is true, Umno leaders are the biggest threat to the nation. The longer Umno rules this country, the more problems will be created. PM Najib Razak really meant it when he referred to defending Putrajaya at all costs, even at the cost of the future of the nation.

Anonymous _be^g: Dr Chong has suddenly recovered from his failing memory, and after joining PKR, has remembered that such things were happening. This amnesia is contagious, like Anwar when he was deputy finance minister/finance minister. Chong's recollections date back to that time.

Anwar, can you let Chong know for sure that you were aware of such conspiracy where you were the No 2 in cabinet while Dr Mahathir Mohamad was No 1?

Paul Kerangkas: Chong Eng Leong, don't trust Anwar too much. It was because of him that the PBS government collapsed. Look at how Anwar treated Sabah PKR leaders.

In Malaysia, only Sabah has the presidential council. Why? The setting up of this council means he doesn't trust Sabah PKR leaders. If he cannot trust Sabah leaders, how can you expect him to help Sabah?

David Dass: Are the Malays better off by us bringing in millions of Indonesian and other Muslims migrants and increasing the ratio of Muslims to non-Muslims? Already the non-Muslim numbers are shrinking because of lower birth rates and emigration. So would the Malays and Malaysia be better off by replacing non-Malays with Indonesian and Muslims from the Philippines?

Is it a concern for anyone that the non-Muslims who are leaving are invariably highly educated or skilled Malaysians who are sought after by countries like Singapore and Australia?

Is this about winning elections? Do we not care about the cohesiveness and unity of our people? Do we not think that keeping the nation intact after generations of shared living experiences is a desirable goal?

Disgusted: This is seriously treason and should be strongly opposed by all true Malaysians, be it Malays, Chinese, Indians and indigenous people of both West and East Malaysia.

We were born here and having built up this nation with blood sweat and tears to what it is now only to be usurped by foreigners who have entered Umno via the back door and may one day outnumber Malays and other races, and take over this nation.

One example is Dr Mohd Khir Toyo who has reached a high rank. In Sabah, many in power via Umno are such people from Philippines and Indonesia.

Umno, desperate to hold on to power knowing its support among Malays is on the wane, is desperate enough to sell out by creating grassroots consisting of such people who have dual citizenship, especially in Penang.

The rakyat should wake up and see this folly and take action before it is too late and this country goes to the dogs.

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